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Guji Guji

Crocodile Guji Guji was raised by a family of ducks. One day he met 3 crocodiles who told him that he was not a duck. They ask Guji Guji to help them trap ducks. Guji Guji then tricked the crocodiles and saved duck family.

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  • "Crocodile Guji Guji was raised by a family of ducks. One day he met 3 crocodiles who told him that he was not a duck. They ask Guji Guji to help them trap ducks. Guji Guji then tricked the crocodiles and saved duck family."
  • "Crocodile Guji Guji was raised by a family of ducks. One day he met 3 crocodiles who told him that he was not a duck. They ask Guji Guji to help them trap ducks. Guji Guji then tricked the crocodiles and saved duck family."@en
  • "Crocodile Guji Guji was raised by a family of ducks. One day he met 3 crocodiles who told him that he was not a duck. They ask Guji Guji to help them trap ducks. Guji Guji then tricked the crocodiles and saved the duck family."@en
  • "Un cocodrilo nace por accidente dentro de una família de patos. Guyi Guyi es tan felíz que no se da cuenta del diferente que es de sus hermanos."
  • "Crocodile Guji Guji was raised by a family of ducks and things are great until one day he meets three crocodiles who tell him that he isn't a duck. When they ask Guji Guji to help them trap the ducks he feels torn and must decide who he is, what he is, and what's really important."
  • "Crocodile Guji Guji was raised by a family of ducks and things are great until one day he meets three crocodiles who tell him that he isn't a duck. When they ask Guji Guji to help them trap the ducks he feels torn and must decide who he is, what he is, and what's really important."@en
  • "Entodil, was nun? Ein grosses braunes Ei kollert abwärts durch einen Wald und über eine Wiese, bis es in einem Nest mit drei weiteren, sehr viel kleineren Eiern landet. Das Nest gehört einer Ente, die sich nicht vom Grössenunterschied der Eier stören lässt, sondern weiter brütet. Schliesslich schlüpfen die Entenküken aus. Alle sind vom Aussehen her verschieden. Aus dem vierten Ei schlüpft ein kleines Krokodil "Gui-Gui". Die fünf bilden eine Familie, akzeptieren und lieben einander. Bis drei Krokodile auftauchen und Gui-Gui weismachen wollen, wie er sich als "richtiges Krokodil" zu betragen hat. Er soll seine Entenfamilie in eine Falle führen. Gui-Gui und den Enten gelingt es zum Glück, die Krokodile zu überlisten und in die Flucht zu schlagen. Auf den guten Text, der perfekt mit den Bildern übereinstimmt, kann beim Anschauen auch verzichtet werden, denn die einfachen Illustrationen in gedeckten Farben und klaren Konturen besitzen eine sehr hohe Aussagekraft. Auf den verschiedenen Seiten lassen sich zusätzlich mit viel Spass wiederkehrende kleine Details finden. Ein herrliches Bilderbuch! Ab 4 Jahren, *****, Jeanne Locher-Polier."
  • "Raised from an egg by Mother Duck, Guji Guji is quite content with his life as a duckling, despite the fact that he doesn't look anything like his brothers. Then he meets three nasty creatures who not only convince him that he is, like them, a crocodile, but also try to persuade him to deliver his duck relatives for their dinner. Suggested level: junior, primary."@en
  • "Raised from an egg by Mother Duck, Guji Guji is quite content with his life as a duckling, despite the fact that he doesn't look anything like his brothers. Then he meets three nasty creatures who not only convince him that he is, like them, a crocodile, but also try to persuade him to deliver his duck relatives for their dinner. Suggested level: junior, primary."
  • "Lorsque les canetons de Maman Cane ont vu le jour, Bili-Bili ne ressemblait pas vraiment à ses frères et soeurs, mais plutôt à un crocodile. Il fut pourtant éduqué à la manière des canards. Un jour, trois crocodiles lui révèlent qui il est réellement et lui imposent d'amener sa famille d'adoption pour le déjeuner du lendemain. Sur le respect de la différence et l'intégration."

  • "Bilderbuch"
  • "Fiction"
  • "Fiction"@en
  • "Fiction"@es
  • "Juvenile materials"@en
  • "Juvenile works"
  • "Juvenile works"@en
  • "Juvenile works"@es
  • "Pictorial works"@en
  • "Pictorial works"
  • "Children's stories"@en
  • "Children's stories"

  • "Bili-Bili"
  • "Guji Guji"@sl
  • "Kūčhī kūčhī"
  • "Guji Guji"@en
  • "Guji Guji"
  • "Guji Guji"@ca
  • "Kūčhī Kūčhī"
  • "Gu ji gu ji"
  • "咕叽咕叽"
  • "Kiekeboe"
  • "Guyi Guyi"@es
  • "Guji-Guji"
  • "Guji-Guji"@en
  • "Guyi guyi"
  • "Guyi guyi"@es
  • "Gui-Gui, das kleine Entodil"