"Culture matérielle États-Unis." . . "United States" . . "États-Unis" . . . . "Culture populaire États-Unis Histoire." . . . . . . "\"Invisible America is a visual guide to five hundred years of North American history and culture, from the 1490s to the 1990s, that uses artifacts of everyday life to tell long-neglected stories from our past. It weaves photos, text, and maps into lively two-page spreads that explore forgotten facets of life in each era of American history, from the pre-Colonial period to modern times.\" --Résumé de l'éditeur." . . "Invisible America : unearthing our hidden history" . . "History" . "Invisible America is a visual guide to five hundred years of North American history and culture, from the 1490s to the 1990s, that uses artifacts of everyday life to tell long-neglected stories from our past. It weaves photos, text, and maps into lively two-page spreads that explore forgotten facets of life in each era of American history, from the pre-Colonial period to modern times." . . . . . . . . . .