"Organizacija poslovanja Behaviorizem Vedenje Trg Organizacijska struktura Učbeniki za visoke šole." . . "Organisationer" . . . . "trgovina management vodenje organizacija." . . "Gestión de empresas" . . "Spilteori" . . "Organizaciones." . . "Empresas Organización." . . "Organisationstheorie." . . "Erhvervsøkonomi-lærebøger" . . "Strategisk ledelse" . . "Theorie der Unternehmung" . . "Unternehmenstheorie." . . "Économie d'entreprise." . . "Organisationsudvikling" . . "International" . . "Organisationsøkonomi" . . "Bedrijfseconomie." . . "Agentteori" . . "Industrieökonomik" . . "Economía política." . . "Theorie der Unternehmung Industrieökonomik Theorie." . . "Theorie der Unternehmung / Industrieökonomik / Theorie." . "Unternehmen." . . "management" . . "Managerial economics." . . "Empresas Gestión." . . "Markeder" . . "Economía de la empresa." . . "gestion d'entreprise organisation (structure)" . . "Economia d'empresa." . . "Information" . . "Theory of the firm." . . "Theory of the firm" . "Virksomhedsøkonomi." . . "virksomhedsøkonomi" . "Transaktionsomkostningsteori" . . "Transaktionsomkostninger" . . "Keieisoshiki." . . "経営組織" . "Organisation." . . "Economia gerencial." . . "Erhvervsøkonomi." . . . . . . . . "Explaining the fundamental economic approaches to organizations, this work includes real-life examples." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Now in its fifth edition, Economic Approaches to Organisations remains one of the few texts to emphasize the importance of economic issues and developments in the study of organisations and management." . "Economic approaches to organisations" . . . . "Økonomiske tilgange til organisationer"@da . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Enfoques económicos para el análisis de las organizaciones" . . . . "Enfoques económicos para el análisis de las organizaciones"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Assuming no previous knowledge of economics, this text offers an introduction to the use of economics in organisation and management." . . . . . "Economic approaches to organizations"@ja . . . "Economic Approaches to Organizations" . . . . "Soshiki no keizaigaku nyūmon"@ja . . . "Soshiki no keizaigaku nyūmon" . "Leermiddelen (vorm)" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "組織の経済学入門" . . . "Economic approaches to organizations" . . "Economic approaches to organizations"@en . . . . . . . . . . "The aim of this book is to provide an economically based analysis of organizations. It provides a broad overview of economic approaches to organizations, and illustrates the application of these approaches to organizational problems."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Économie d'entreprise Guides, manuels, etc." . . "Corporate governance" . . "Économie d'entreprise Problèmes et exercices." . . "Organizational economics" . . "Lærebøger" . . "Business Enterprises Management." . . "Theorie" . .