"England." . . "FİLOZOFLAR İNGİLİTERE YAZIŞMALAR." . . "Theologians England Correspondence." . . . . . . . "Records and correspondence"@en . "Records and correspondence" . . . . "Early works"@en . . "Early works" . "Briefsammlung" . "Briefsammlung 1715-1716" . . . . . . . "Lai bu ni ci yu ke la ke lun zhan shu xin ji" . . . "Streitschriften Zwischen Leibniz und Clarke" . . . . . . . "Laibunici yu Kelake lun zhan shu xin ji" . . . "Streitschriften zwischen Leibniz und Clarke" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Laibunici-yu-Kela-kelun-zhan-shuxin-ji" . "Ben shu zai zhe xue shi he ke xue shi shang dou shi yi bu you zhong yao yi yi de zuo pin. zhe yi lun zhan shi ji shang shi lai bu ni ci he niu du pai zhi jian you guan shi jie de yi xie gen ben guan dian, te bie shi guan yu kong jian he shi jian de ben xing de guan dian de zheng lun." . . . . . "Correspondence" . . "G.W. Leibniz and Samuel Clarke : Correspondence"@en . "G. W. Leibniz and Samuel Clarke : Correspondence" . . . . . "莱布尼茨与克拉克论战书信集" . . . "For this new edition, Roger Ariew has adapted Samuel Clarke's edition of 1717, modernizing it to reflect contemporary English usage. Ariew's introduction places the correspondence in historical context and discusses the vibrant philosophical climate of the times. Appendices provide those selections from the works of Newton that Clarke frequently refers to in the correspondence. A bibliography is also included." . . . . "Physics." . . "Metaphysics." . . "Theologians." . . "Philosophers." . . "Briefsammlung." . . "Natural theology." . . "DOĞAL TEOLOJİ 1800'DEN ÖNCEKİ ÇALIŞMALAR." . . "Philosophers Germany Correspondence." . . "Germany." . . . . "Filosofia moderna Alemanha." . . "FİLOZOFLAR ALMANYA YAZIŞMALAR." . . "Epistolografia." . .