"Películas cinematográficas extranjeras Afganistán" . . "BBC4." . . "Intégrisme islamique Afghanistan." . . "Machismo Películas DVD." . . "Mujeres en el Islam Películas DVD." . . "Families Afghanistan Drama." . . "DVD Drama." . . "Taliban." . . "Women." . . "MGM Home Entertainment Inc." . . "Film Motiv Frau Afghanistan DVD-Video." . . "Cine Afganistán DVD." . . "Festival International du Film 56o. 2003 Cannes." . . . "Foreign language films, Pashtu." . . "Barmak Film (Firme)" . . "Familia Afganistán Drama" . . "Totalitarisme." . . "United Artists." . . "Taliban." . . "Widows Drama." . . "Women Afghanistan Kabul Social conditions 20th century Drama." . . "Muslim women Afghanistan Kabul Social conditions 20th century Drama." . . "Cinemes del món Afganistan." . . "Afganistan." . . "Mädchen." . . "Erwachsenwerden." . . "ERA Licence." . . "Rol sexual." . . "Famille Afghanistan." . . "Kabul (Afghanistan)" . . "Semana Internacional de Cine de Valladolid 48a. 2003." . . . "Women Social conditions Afghanistan." . . "Women Afghanistan Drama." . . "Femmes Droit Afghanistan." . . "Drames (cinéma)" . . . "fiction dramatique (fiction)" . . . . . . . . "Tijdens het Talibanbewind komt een gezin in moeilijkheden als vrouwen niet meer zonder begeleiding van een man de straat op mogen." . . "Osama, una adolescente afgana, se disfraza de hombre para escapar de las condiciones intolerables e inhumanas n las que viven las mujeres en el régimen Talibán. Pero su travesía apenas inicia, y los peligros y terrores que la perseguirán serán solo un atisbo a la terrible forma de vida de los seres humanos que habitan en Afganistán." . . "In Afghanistan, during the Taliban regime. women are forbidden to work and to walk on the streets without the company of a male. The teenager girl Osama cuts her hair and dresses like a boy to get a job and support her widow mother and grandmother." . "Drama films" . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired" . . . . "Motion pictures, Pashtu" . . . . . . . . "Based on a true story, this tragic drama is the first feature film made in Afghanistan in the post-Taliban era. Set in the repressive time of the Taliban rule of Afghanistan, a 12 year-old girl and her mother find themselves on the brink of starvation. Barred from working because of their gender, the mother disguises her daughter as a boy. \"Osama\" tries to keep the Taliban from discovering her true identity."@en . "Drame. Kaboul, Afghanistan, au début du régime des talibans. Une jeune fille de 12 ans vit seule avec sa mère et sa grand-mère. Pour survivre, la mère n'a d'autre solution que travestir de sa fille: désormais, elle sera un garçon qui s'appellera Osama. \"Osama\" retrace le tragique destin d'une petite fille aux prises avec l'injustice et le fanatisme religieux.--boîtier." . . "Foreign language films" . . . . . . "Osama (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica)" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Una dodicenne afgana e sua madre perdono il lavoro quando l'ospedale di Kabul viene chiuso dai talebani, che vietano inoltre che le donne lavorino se prive di un \"compagno legale\". Prima la chiamvano Maria e aveva 12 anni. Poi, per sopravvivere al regime assurdo dei Talebani, la fanno vestire da maschio e le danno il nome di Osama. Maria/Osama dovrà crescere in fretta e imparare presto l'orrore che ogni dittatura porta con sè. (Mymovies)." . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Foreign films" . . . . . . . . "Feature"@en . . . "\"The Taliban have just seized power and a widow reluctantly decides to disguise her 12-year-old daughter as a boy - the Osama of the title - so that at least one family member can earn a living. But the \"boy\" is soon dragged off for religious instruction and military training and resultantly the disguise is uncovered, triggering a sharp slide into tragedy.\" -- Container." . "This meticulous inquiry into the ways that ideological evil can infect, and ultimately destroy, the intimacies and small pleasures of daily life is beautiful, thoughtful, and almost unbearably sad. A widowed grandmother, mother, and daughter are facing starvation. Since the foreign doctors have been driven away, the mother's employment at the hospital ends. Thus the young daughter, at the risk of being discovered and killed, masquerades as a boy in order to earn money--a necessity since they cannot leave the house without a male escort. Snatched away from her job and sent to be indoctrinated by the Taliban, it is just a matter of time before she is given away. The Taliban's obscene wish for a world where the stringent enforcement of religious laws takes the place of human kindness is on full display, and as they employ their sadistic holy laws in the name of God, the only human response is horror." . . "Quality film collection" . . . . . . . . . . . "Videodiscos DVD"@es . "Social problem films" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "少女奧薩瑪" . . . . . . . . . . . . "Llargmetratges" . . . . . "Vidéo" . . . "Films for the hearing impaired" . . . . . . "Osama" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Afghanistan nach der Machtübernahme durch die Taliban: Keine Frau darf ohne Begleitung eines männlichen Erwachsenen das Haus verlassen. Dies stellt für eine Wittwe (Zubaida Sahar und deren Tochter ein grosses Problem dar. Wie sollen sie sich Nahrung kaufen können, wenn sie nicht arbeiten dürfen? Die Verzweifelte Mutter heckt einen riskanten Plan aus... Der Tochter werden die Haare geschnitten und unter dem Namen Osama geht sie arbeiten. Durch ihre männliche Kleidung ist sie aber auch gezwungen, die Koranschule zu besuchen und an den religiösen Riten teilzunehmen. Doch was würde geschehen, wenn ihre Tarnung auffliegen würde? Ihre Furcht davor wächst mit jedem Tag. Text: OutNow.CH." . . . "Home use only." . . . . . . "Osama [DVD]" . . . . . "Inspired by a true story. A young girl in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan must disguise herself as a boy to save her family from starvation. The first feature film made in Afghanistan in the post-Taliban era." . "Set in Afghanistan during the Taliban regime. With women forbidden to leave the house without a male relative, a young girl disguises herself as a boy and takes a job with a sympathetic shopkeeper so she can support her widowed mother and grandmother." . . "Cine social y político" . . . . . . . "Based on a true story, this tragic drama is the first feature film made in Afghanistan in the post-Taliban era. Set in the repressive time of the Taliban rule of Afghanistan, a 12 year-old girl and her mother find themselves on the brink of starvation. Barred from working because of their gender, the mother disguises her daughter as a boy. \"Osama\" tries to keep the Taliban from discovering her true identity." . . . . "\"Osama, una adolescente afgana, se disfraza de hombre para escapar de las condiciones intolerables e inhumanas en las que viven las mujeres en el régimen Talibán. Pero su travesía apenas inicia, y los peligros y terrores que la perseguirán serán solo un atisbo a la terrible forma de vida de los seres humanos que habitan en Afganistán\"--Envase." . . . . . . . "After the brutal Taliban bans women from working and forbids them from leaving their homes without a male escort, a 12-yearl-old girl and her mother find themselves on the brink of starvation. With nowhere to turn, the mother disguises her daughter as a boy, now calling her \"Osama\", so that she is able to attend school and support her mother. Inspired by a true story."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Kaboul, Afghanistan, au début du régime des talibans. Une jeune fille de 12 ans vit seule avec sa mère et sa grand-mère. Pour survivre, la mère n'a d'autre solution que de travestir sa fille: désormais, elle sera un garçon qui s'appellera Osama. \"Osama\" retrace le tragique destin d'une petite fille aux prises avec l'injustice et le fanatisme religieux." . . . "Osama (Motion picture)" . "Una dodicenne afgana e sua madre perdono il lavoro quando l'ospedale di Kabul viene chiuso dai talebani, che vietano inoltre che le donne lavorino se prive di un \"compagno legale\". Prima la chiamvano Maria e aveva 12 anni. Poi, per sopravvivere al regime assurdo dei Talebani, la fanno vestire da maschio e le danno il nome di Osama. Maria/Osama dovrà crescere in fretta e imparare presto l'orrore che ogni dittatura porta con sè. (Farinotti)."@it . . . . . . "Osama der Film, den es bisher nicht geben konnte" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Osama"@es . "Osama" . "Osama"@en . . "Osama"@it . "Feature films"@en . "Feature films" . . . . "Zinema sozial eta politikoa" . . . . "Pushto language films" . . . . "Osama <risorsa elettronica>"@it . . . . "This powerful and remarkable drama chronicles the true story of a young girl in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan who must disguise herself as a boy to save her family from starvation. The first feature film made in Afghanistan in the post-Taliban era." . . . . "When the Taliban regime bans Afghan women from working, a 12-year-old girl disguises herself as a boy to work so she and her mother can survive." . . . . . . . . "Afghanistan. Début du régime des talibans. Une jeune fille de 12 ans vit seule avec sa mère et sa grand-mère. Pour survivre, la mère na dautre solution que de travestir sa fille : désormais, elle sera un garçon et sappellera Osama... Sur fond quasiment documentaire, un film démonstratif et édifiant, impressionnant et nécessaire..." . . . "DVD-Video" . . . . . . . . "Fiction films" . . . . . . . . . . "Nach der Machtübernahme durch die Taliban stehen in Afghanistan tausende Witwen und allein stehende Frauen vor einem fast unüberwindlichen Problem: Wie sollen sie ihren Lebensunterhalt verdienen, wenn sie ohne die Begleitung männlicher Verwandter das Haus nicht mehr verlassen dürfen? - Eine Mutter beschliesst, ihre 12-jährige Tochter als Sohn zu verkleiden, damit sie sie zu ihrer Arbeit begleiten kann. Doch schon bald verliert sie diese Arbeit, und nun muss das Mädchen die Familie ganz allein ernähren. Als \"Junge\" fängt sie an, für einen Milchmann zu arbeiten, der mit dem im Krieg gefallenen Vater der Familie befreundet war. Durch die Verkleidung ist sie gezwungen, an den religiösen Riten der Männer teilzunehmen und die Koranschule zu besuchen. Doch die männlichen Verhaltensweisen sind ihr fremd. Und die Furcht vor der Enttarnung wächst mit jedem Tag." . "Movies" . . . . . . . "Feature film from Afghanistan. Drama. Osama, a young girl devastated by the arrival of the Taliban in Afghanistan, disguises herself as a boy and starts to work with a shopkeeper. When she is eventually found out, her punishment is swift and dreadful."@en . "Marina Golbahari stars as a girl who pretends to be a boy in order to get a job in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. Osama, direcrted by Siddiq Barmak, marks the first film to come out of Afghanistan since the fall of that repressive regime."@en . . . . . . . . . . "A 12-year-old Afghan girl and her mother lose their jobs when the Taliban closes the hospital where they work. The Taliban have also forbidden women to leave their houses without a legal \"companion\". With her husband and brother dead there is no one left to support the family and without being able to leave the house the mother is left with nowhere to turn. Feeling that she has no other choice, she disguises her daughter as a boy." . . . . . . "\"Afghanistan. Début du régime des talibans. Une jeune fille de 12 ans vit seule avec sa mère et sa grand-mère. Pour survivre, la mère n'a d'autre solution que de travestir sa fille : désormais, elle sera un garçon et s'appellera Osama..." . . . "Osama (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica) (2003)" . . . "Osama the story of a girl who had to become a man to survive" . . "\"The Taliban have just seized power and a widow reluctantly decides to disguise her 12-year-old daughter as a boy - the Osama of the title - so that at least one family member can earn a living. But the \"boy\" is soon dragged off for religious instruction and military training and resultantly the disguise is uncovered, triggering a sharp slide into tradegy.\" -- Container." . . . "Drama"@en . "Drama" . "Drama"@es . . "Osama a film by Siddiq Barmak" . . "Osama (Film cinématographique)" . . . . . . . . . "A 12-year-old Afghan girl and her mother lose their jobs when the Taliban closes the hospital where they work."@en . . "Osama descriu les conseqüències de la instauració del règim talibà a Afganistan, que va suposar la prohibició de treballar fora de casa a les dones i fins i tot de desplaçar-se sense un \"acompanyant legal\", és a dir un home o un nen. A partir de l'experiència de la protagonista, obligada per la seva família a fer-se passar per un nen per a poder sobreviure, la pel·lícula mostra la lluita quotidiana de la població afganesa sotmesa a les rígides normes imposades per l'autoritat religiosa." . "Chronicles the true story of a young girl in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan who must disguise herself as a boy to save her family from starvation. The first feature film made in Afghanistan in the post-Taliban era." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Shao nu ao sa ma" . . "Drammatico (Genere)"@it . "Drammatico (Genere)" . "Fiction" . . . "Comédie dramatique" . . . "Widows." . . "Film." . . "Armut." . . "Películas cinematográficas." . . "Películas cinematográficas" . "Motion pictures, Pashtu." . . "Le Brocouy Fraser Productions." . . . . "Frau Motiv Film Afghanistan DVD-Video." . . "hoopla digital." . . "Barmak Film." . . "Taliban Afghanistan Drama." . . "Le Brocquy Fraser Productions." . . "Ireland. LeBrocquy Fraser Productions." . . "Mujeres Afganistán Drama" . . "Cinéma Afghanistan." . . "Women Drama." . . "Koranschule." . . "Mujeres Películas DVD." . . "Lebrocquy Fraser Productions." . . "Muslim women Social conditions." . . "Families." . . "Teenage girls Drama." . . "Film Motiv Islam Afghanistan DVD-Video." . . "Motion picture film Osama DVD." . . "Golden Globe 62o. 2004 Los Ángeles, California." . . . "Frau." . . "Cinemes del món." . . "Teenage girls." . . "Discriminació sexual." . . "Cine dramático Películas cinematográficas DVD." . . "Drakes Avenue Pictures Limited." . . "Women Social conditions." . . "Grabaciones en DVD." . . "Películas cinematográficas Osama DVD." . . "Películas cinematográficas \"Osama\" DVD." . "Women in Afghanistan." . . "Motion pictures, Afghani." . . "Femmes Afghanistan Conditions sociales." . . "Drama." . . "Afghanistan" . . "Afghanistan." . "Families Drama." . . "Películas cinematográficas Afganistán 2003." . . "Pel·lícules cinematogràfiques." . . "Islam Motiv Film Afghanistan DVD-Video." . . "Longs métrages Afghanistan." . . "Femmes" . . "1900 - 1999" . . "Unterdrückung." . .