. "Racial microaggressions impact and implications for counseling practice" . "Racial microaggressions impact and implications for counseling practice"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Is it possible for anyone to be born and raised in the United States without inheriting the racial biases of the society? How is it possible for good, moral and decent human beings to act in ways that oppress others? Do I oppress? Derald Wing Sue presents his most recent research on racial microaggressions; brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral and environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults to the target person or group. While the lecture concentrates on racial microaggressions, Sue links the phenomenon to gender and sexual orientation microaggressions as well. Therapists who are unaware of their biases and prejudices may unintentionally engage in microaggressions that create impasses for clients of color."@en . . . . "Video recordings" . "Impact and implications for counseling practice" . . "Video recordings"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Cross-cultural studies" . "Cross-cultural studies"@en . . "This video is part of a series that focuses on an examination of the factors that can adversely impact counseling. Because counseling does not take place in a vacuum, isolated from the larger sociopolitical influences of society, the practitioner needs to be alert to the danger of adopting the racial and cultural biases of their forebears. Topics discussed include avoidance of ethnocentric viewpoints, and developing the ability to understand the worldviews of other races, ethnic groups, cultures, genders, and classes, in order to understand the client within his/her context." . . . .