. . . "Lost Patrol (Film)" . . . "Lost patrol (Motion picture : 1934)"@en . . . "The Lost patrol"@en . "The Lost patrol" . . . . "John Ford Film Collection" . . "Video recordings for the hearing impaired" . . . . "Members of a patrol lost in the desert are being picked off, one by one, by an unseen enemy." . "Lost patrol"@en . . . . "A terse drama about British cavalrymen lost in the Mesopotamian desert during World War I. They are pursued constantly by Arab sharpshooters. When the leader of the patrol is killed, McLaglen takes charge of the eleven ragged survivors." . . . "The lost patrol"@en . "The lost patrol" . . . . . . . . . . . "Over miles of desert sand, eleven members of a lost British patrol seek an oasis that will save their lives. Director John Ford creates an atmosphere of unrelenting suspense as the patrol makes its way across the Mesopotamian desert. The men finally find refuge at an oasis where there is plenty of food and water. Their paradise soon becomes a nightmarish trap when one of their sentries is killed. Then a shot rings out and another man falls dead. One by one the soldiers are killed by an unseen enemy. Will anyone survive to tell the tale of The Lost Patrol?"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "War films" . . . . . . . . . . . "A terse drama about British cavalryman lost in the Mesopotamian desert during World War I. They are pursued constantly by Arab sharpshooters. When the leader of the patrol is killed, McLaglen takes charge of the eleven ragged survivors. This film established John Ford's reputation as a director internationally."@en . "Feature films" . . . . . . . "Drama"@en . . "Drama" . . "Patrouille perdue" . . . . . "Features"@en . . . . . . . . . "\"In Mesopotamia during World War I, the leader of a British desert patrol is killed by an unseen Arab sniper. After the sergeant takes over command, the patrol begins a torturous journey across the sands, which takes a toll on both men and horses. Then, as the soldiers near total collapse, soldier Morelli spots an oasis in the distance. The sergeant, who has confessed to Morelli that he never received orders as to the patrol's exact mission, leads his men to the oasis, where they revel in the shade and drink from the plentiful water supply. The next morning, however, the men discover Pearson, a fresh-faced, eager recruit who was assigned to the night watch, slain, Corporal Bell seriously wounded, and all of the horses stolen. After the group discusses their options, veteran soldier Hale climbs a palm tree to survey the area and is shot down by a sniper. Sure that they will not survive while traveling as a group, the sergeant orders everyone but Sanders, a religious fanatic who is going insane, to draw straws to determine who will go for help. Jock MacKay makes the unlucky selection and picks Matlow Cook to accompany him. Later Abelson, succumbing to the effects of the desert sun, stumbles away from the oasis and is shot by a sniper. In spite of Morelli's heroic rescue, Abelson dies from his wound. Determined to retaliate, the soldiers open fire on the Arabs, and two men, Quincannon and Corporal Bell, are killed. The next day, while scanning the horizon, the sergeant sees two figures riding toward the oasis and orders them shot. When they reach the fallen men and horses, however, they find the slaughtered, mutiliated bodies of MacKay and Cook. After Sanders forcibly berates and threatens Morelli, a former music hall performer, for his 'sins, ' the sergeant learns that George Brown, a 'gentleman soldier, ' slipped away during the night to avenge his comrades' deaths. Now only three, the survivors are spotted from the air by a British aviator. As the pilot descends from his plane, however, he is killed by the snipers, and his death causes Sanders to fly into a deranged rage. Morelli and the sergeant tie up Sanders, then set the plane on fire to alert any passing troops of their whereabouts. As hoped, the fire attracts the attention of another patrol, which alters its course toward the oasis. Before the other unit arrives, however, Sanders escapes and, while carrying a hand-fashioned cross, strides toward the snipers. In spite of his hatred for Sanders, Morelli rushes after him, but both men are brought down by the snipers. Alone, a dazed sergeant kills several Arabs who try to claim the oasis, and is finally rescued by his fellow British soldiers\"--AFI catalog, 1931-1940."@en . "War drama about British cavalrymen lost in the Mesopotamian desert during World War I."@en . . . . "During World War I a desert patrol loses its leader and is both literally and metaphysically lost, as an unseen (and unreal) Arab enemy picks off the men one by one. Highly regarded in its day because of allusions in the script (it has recently been called 'the Moby Dick of combat films'), Lost Patrol is now more interesting as a prototype for the World War II combat film with many of the genre's conventions being brought together for the first time."@en . . "War films and programs"@en . . . . . . . . "Feature film from the USA. War. A small British military group lost in the Mesopotamian desert is attacked by Arabs." . . . . . "Fiction films" . . . . . . . . . . . "1914 - 1918" . . . . "Yuma (Ariz.)" . . "1939 - 1945" . . "Warner Home Video (Firme)" . .