"Lund (Sweden)" . . "Loneliness." . . "World Cinema Limited." . . "Home Vision (Firm)" . . "Longs métrages Suède." . . "Recollection (Psychology)" . . "College teachers." . . "Películas suecas Videodiscos." . . "Ancianos Drama Videodiscos." . . "Hopscotch Entertainment." . . "Películas cinematográficas Videodiscos." . . "Foreign films." . . . . "Death Drama." . . "Criterion Collection (Firma comercial)" . . "Sweden." . . "Motion pictures Sweden." . . "Svensk filmindustri, Aktiebolaget, Stockholm." . . "Films Incorporated." . . "International Tele-Film Enterprises." . . "Moving-pictures, Swedish." . . "Motion pictures." . . "Aging." . . "Cable Films." . . "Forgein films." . . "Motion picture plays." . . "College teachers Drama." . . "Uzun metrajlı filmler İsveç." . . "Svensk filmindustri." . . "Self-perception." . . "Janus Films (firm)" . . "Foreign film Sweden." . . "Motion pictures, Swedish." . . . . . . . . . . . . "Sumario: El profesor Isak Borg viaja de Estocolmo a Lund, donde será homenajeado por sus cincuenta años de carrera. En lugar de abordar un avión, decide ir en automóvil acompañado de su nuera. En el recorrido despiertan sus recuerdos (su infancia en una casona junto al bosque, su gran amor) y a la vez lo lleva a relacionarse con un grupo de jóvenes y con un matrimonio desavenido. En este viaje a través del tiempo y la memoria existe todo un planteamiento respecto al sentido de la vida." . . "An aged professor travels with his daughter-in-law to recieve an honorary doctorate for his lifelong contribution to medicine. Soon his journey becomes one of introspection, as the people he meets, from a hitch-hiker to a quarrelling married couple, remind him of past relationships and cause him to contemplate his own failings." . "Motion pictures, Swedish" . "Wild strawberries Smultronstallet" . "Wild strawberries Smultronstallet"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "An aged doctor's journey through a compelling landscape of dream and memory as he travels to receive an honorary degree. Haunting flshbacks and incidents along the way force him to confront his life and its failings."@en . . . . . "L'histoire d'un vieil homme qui repense à sa vie. Pour les amateurs de cinéma. Très beau, un des classiques de l'histoire du cinéma. Par le réalisateur de \"Fanny et Alexandre.\"" . "An elderly professor comes to an understanding of his own character. Thematic material includes old age, youth and compassion which are developed through dreams, memories and flashbacks." . . . . . . . "Isak Borg is about to receive an honorary degree for his lifetime of service to medicine. On his journey to the ceremony, he is forced by a series of incidents to relive painful moments in his life." . . "An elderly professor, travelling to receive an honorary degree, looks back on the disappointments of his life." . . "An old man gains understanding of himself and his son through dreams of his death and visions from his past." . "Yaban çilekleri" . "Smultronstãllet" . . . "Essential art house" . . . . . "Wild strawberries yaban çilekleri" . . "野草莓 = Wild strawberries" . . . "Smultronstaellet" . "Foreign language films" . . . . . . . . . . . . "Smultronstället"@en . "Smultronstället" . . "A distinguished professor emeritus who lives alone with his housekeeper can only come to terms with his egocentricity by traveling back in time to his earliest youth, finding there the seeds of his failure as husband, lover, father. This film deals with the phenomina of old age wherein childhood memories return with ever-increasing clarity while great stretches of the prime of life vanish into obscurity." . "A philosophical story of an old man confronted with the past - good and bad - and how he copes with it today. Acclaimed the best Bergman film of the fifties." . . . . . . . . . . "Interviews" . . "Smulstronstället (Film)" . . . . "Perhaps Ingmar Bergman's most acclaimed film, a voyage into the soul, in which an old professor has a nightmare which makes him reflect on his past life." . . . . . . "Essential art house, wild strawberries" . . . . "Fiction films" . . . "Films for the hearing impaired" . . . . "\"Explores the disillusionment of an elderly physician, Professor Isak Borg, as he reflects upon his life and begins to perceive his mortality. As he travels to Lund to receive an honorary award after 50 years of medical practice, he finds himself repeatedly affected by intrusive dreams and hallucinations that expose his darkest fears. He slowly comes to realize that the choices he made in the past have created a cold and empty life, devoid of real meaning or value. Finally, he achieves redemption and reintegration through forgiveness and the love of his family\"--Internet movie database summary by Tad Dibbern, as viewed on March 29, 2007." . . . "Wild strawberries [Beeld & Geluid]" . . . . "Feature" . "Fresas salvajes" . . "Smultronstället" . . . "Un anciano profesor de medicina se dirige, acompañado de su nuera, a la universidad donde ha trabajado para recibir un homenaje. Probablemente sea éste su último contacto con lo que ha sido su vida; la última posibilidad de poner en pie todos sus recuerdos." . "Videodiscs" . . "Smultronstallet" . . . . "An elderly professor has a nightmare and thinks back over his life--his selfishness, his coldness, his inability to give himself in love." . . . . . . "Smultronstället (Motion picture)" . . . "An old professor dreams of his own death and, haunted by memories of his life, determines to open himself to love." . . "Follows an elderly professor's journey through a landscape of dream and reality as he travels from Stockholm to Lund to receive an honorary degree. On his way to the ceremony, he is forced by a series of incidents to relive painful moments in his life." . "Films" . . . . "Wild Strawberries; Director: Ingmar Bergman; Starring: Victor Sjostrom, Ingrid Thulin, Gunnar Bjornstrand, Bibi Andersson, Naimi Wilstrand, Max Von Sydow" . . . . . . . . "Smultronstallet" . "Smultronstallet"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Wild strawberries a film" . . . . . . . . . . "DVD-Video discs" . . . . . . . . "On his way to accept an award, a professor experiences a series of dreams and hallucinations that make him examine his life and confront his own mortality." . . . . . . . . "Speelfilm" . . . . . "Videocassettes" . "Smultronstället [Elektronische Ressource]" . . "The fantasies, dreams and nightmares of an aging professor who must come to terms with his faults and become reconciled to the idea of approaching death." . "A distinguished professor emeritus who lives alone with his housekeeper can only come to terms with his egocentricity by traveling back in time to his earliest youth, finding there the seeds of his failure as husband, lover, father. This film deals with the phenomena of old age wherein childhood memories return with ever-increasing clarity while great stretches of the prime of life vanish into obscurity. In Swedish with English subtitles. DVD." . "Wild strawberries" . "初戀情人琵琶別抱的醫師,直到年老體衰,才發現自己早已和世人言語路斷,太太,兒子都是他逼走的,因為他不要愛也沒有愛給他們,他過了無謂的一生,雖然事業極其成功" . . . . "A distinguished professor emeritus traveling to receive an honorary degree, is forced to face his past, come to terms with his faults and accept the inevitability of his approaching death. Through flashbacks and fantasies, dreams and nightmares the film captures a startling voyage of self-discovery and renewed belief in mankind." . . . . "An aged professor - introverted and emotionally cold - makes a journey to collect a university award and en route relives his past through recollection, dreams and imagination. Borg emerges purged, if not wholly changed from this confrontation with self. The theme of the film, incarnated in the successive generations of the Borgs, is death-in-life, emotional-spiritual atrophy. It has been compared with King Lear and Strindberg's Dream Play and, in structure with a Bach fugue. Wild strawberries are a Swedish symbol for the emergence of spring, the rebirth of life." . "An aged professor - introverted and emotionally cold - makes a journey to collect a university award and en route relives his past through recollection, dreams and imagination. Borg emerges purged, if not wholly changed from this confrontation with self. The theme of the film, incarnated in the successive generations of the Borgs, is death-in-life, emotional-spiritual atrophy. It has been compared with King Lear and Strindberg's Dream Play and, in structure with a Bach fugue. Wild strawberries are a Swedish symbol for the emergence of spring, the rebirth of life."@en . . . "Ingmar Bergman's landmark film which dazzles with its complex structure of flashbacks and fantasies, dreams and nightmares while chronicling a startling voyage of discovery into the mind and past of an aging professor." . . . . . "Traveling to receive an honorary degree, Professor Isak Borg is forced to face his past, come to terms with his faults, and accept the inevitability of his approaching death. Through flashbacks and fantasies, dreams and nightmares, Wild Strawberries captures a startling voyage of self-discovery and renewed belief in mankind." . . . "Isak Borg is about to receive an honorary degree for his lifetime of service to medicine. On his journey to the ceremony, he is forced by a series of incidents to face the legacy of the years." . "An elderly professor thinks back over his life--his selfishness, his coldness, his inability to give himself in love--while on a journey to receive an honorary degree." . . "À 78 ans, Isak Borg se rend en automobile, avec sa belle-fille Marianne, de Stockholm à Lund, où l'on va fêter son jubilé médical. Au hasard de rencontres, de rêves ou de souvenirs, il retrouve certains événements de son enfance ou de son adolescence qui l'amènent à faire le bilan de sa vie." . . . "Smultronstallet = Wild strawberries" . . . . "Wild strawberries (Smultronstället)" . . . . . . "Ye cao mei = Wild strawberries" . . . "野草莓" . "Video recordings" . . . . . "The story a of distinguished doctor's journey to receive an honorary degree and the memories it awakens." . . . . . "Wild strawberries Smultronstället" . . . . . . . "After having a nightmare, an ageing professor thinks back over his long life in this classic slice of Swedish melancholia. (1957)." . . . "An aging professor's road trip to receive an honorary degree is beset with flashbacks and nightmares." . . . "Features" . . . . . . . . "An aged professor - introverted and emotionally cold - makes a journey to collect a university award and en route relives his past through recollection, dreams and imagination. Borg emerges purged, if not wholly changed from this confrontation with self. The theme of the film, incarnated in the successive generations of the Borgs, is death-in-life, emotional-spiritual atrophy. It has been compared with King Lear and Strindberg's Dream Play and in structure with a Bach fugue. Wild strawberries are a Swedish symbol for the emergence of spring, the rebirth of life." . . . . . . . . . . "An old man approaching death takes stock of his life and its failings." . "Wild strawberries"@en . "Wild strawberries" . . . . . "Chu lian qing ren pi pa bie bao de yi shi,zhi dao nian lao ti shuai,cai fa xian zi ji zao yi he shi ren yan yu lu duan,tai tai, er zi dou shi ta bi zou de,yin wei ta bu yao ai ye mei you ai gei ta men,ta guo le wu wei de yi sheng,sui ran shi ye ji qi cheng gong." . . . . . "A distinguished professor emeritus who lives alone with his housekeeper can only come to terms with his egocentricity by traveling back in time to his earliest youth, finding there the seeds of his failure as husband, lover, father. This film deals with the phenomena of old age wherein childhood memories return with ever-increasing clarity while great stretches of the prime of life vanish into obscurity. In Swedish with English subtitles." . . . . . "Wild strawberries (1957)" . . . . . . . . "Fiction" . . . . "A bittersweet tale of an elderly college professor's journey from emotional isolation to redemption, and ultimately, personal renaissance." . . . . . . . . . . . "An elderly professor has a nightmare and thinks back over his long life." . . . . . . . "Foreign films" . "On his way to a ceremony to receive an honorary degree, an elderly man thinks back over his life and gradually comes to terms with his faults and reconciles himself to the idea of approaching death." . "Drama" . . . . . . . . . "À 78 ans, Isak Borg se rend en automobile, avec sa belle-fille Marianne, de Stockholm à Lund, où l'on va fêter son jubilé médical. Au hasard de rencontres, de rêves ou de souvenirs, il retrouve certains évènements de son enfance ou de son adolescence qui l'amènent à faire le bilan de sa vie. -- L'attente des femmes: Les femmes des quatre frères Lobelius passent leurs vacances ensemble. Annette évoque l'usure de son ménage. Rakel avoue avoir trompé son mari. Martha a été abandonnée par Martin alors qu'elle était enceinte. Karin voit peu son mari occupé par ses affaires professionnelles. Autre écho chez les maris. La jeune soeur de Martha, qui attend son fiancé, les écoute parler de leurs échecs, de leur amertume et de leurs désillusions. Écoeurée, elle s'enfuit avec son fiancé, l'un des fils Lobelius." . . . . "An elderly professor has a nightmare and thinks back over his life--his selfishness, his coldness, his inability to give himself love." . . . . . . . . . . "Smultronstället Wild strawberries" . "Isak Borg, whose self-indulgent cynicism has left him isolated, is bestowed an honorary University degree and must travel to Lund to receive it. His daughter-in-law, Marianne, joins him on his road trip. Together they travel through the Swedish summer and the professor.s own life history.For the professor, the trip becomes a journey where the present is blurred by shadows from his past and where the boundary between dream and reality has been erased." . "After having a nightmare, an ageing professor thinks back over his long life in this classic slice of Swedish melancholia." . "Drama about an aging doctor's journey through his memories, daydreams, and nightmares. About to be honored for his life achievement, 78-year-old Isak Borg is plagued by anxieties. Realizing that he has been spiritually dead, Isak determines to use what little time remains to change his ways and reconcile with his son, and this decision gives him some peace." . "A distinguished professor emeritus who lives alone with his housekeeper can only come to terms with his egocentricity by traveling back in time to his earliest youth, finding there the seeds of his failure as husband, lover, father. This film deals with the phenomena of old age wherein childhood memories return with ever-increasing clarity while great stretches of the prime of life vanish into obscurity." . . "Victor Sjöström plays an elderly professor who while travelling to receive an award reviews his life. Flashbacks and symbolism are masterfully employed to show his selfishness, his coldness and his inability to give himself in love. Gradually he comes to terms with his faults and is reconciled to the idea of approaching death." . . . . . . . . . . "A professor of medicine travels with his daughter-in-law to receive an honorary doctorate for his lifelong contribution to medicine. His journey becomes one of introspection as the people he meets remind him of past relationships and cause him to contemplate his own failings." . . . . . . "An old professor dreams of his own death, and, haunted by memories of his life, determines to open himself to love." . . . . . "An elderly professor travels to receive an honorary doctorate for his contribution to medicine. The journey becomes an exploration and insight into his own failings." . . . . . . . "Feature films" . "Sociological films and programs" . . "Follows an aged doctor's journey through a compelling landscape of dream and memory as he travels to receive an honorary degree. Haunting flashbacks and incidents along the way force him to confront his life and its failings." . . . "Swedish films" . . "Fiction. Drame psychologique. Le vieux docteur Borg, hanté par sa mort prochaine, part en voyage automobile avec sa brue Marianne, qui lui reproche son égoïsme. Ils prennent en charge trois auto-stoppeurs, rencontrent un couple désuni, visitent la très vieille mère du docteur et arrivent à une université où l'on fête son jubilé... , autant d'évènements qui font surgir en lui des rêves et des cauchemars, des retours en arrière qui transforment ce voyage en \"road movie de vieux\" à travers la Suède et son propre passé, dont il sortira générateur de tendresse et de bonheur autour de lui. Avec Victor Sjostrom, Ingrid Thulin, Bibi Andersson, Gunnar Bjornstrand, Max von Sydow." . . . "A Bergman film an old man recalling his past. T he original Swedish title is Smultronstället, which literally means \"the wild strawberry patch\", but idiomatically means an underrated gem of a place (often with personal or sentimental value). It tackles difficult questions about life, and thought-provoking themes such as self-discovery and human existence. This film is often considered to be one of Bergman's most emotional, optimistic and best films."@en . "Traveling to accept an honorary degree, Professor Isak Borg, masterfully played by veteran director Victor Sjöström, is forced to face his past, come to terms with his faults, and make peace with the inevitability of his approaching death. Through flashbacks and fantasies, dreams and nightmares, Wild strawberries dramatizes one man's remarkable voyage of self-discovery. This richly humane masterpiece, full of iconic imagery, is a treasure from the golden age of art-house cinema and one of the films that catapulted Ingmar Bergman to international acclaim." . "Smultron-stallet" . . . . . . "A distinguished professor emeritus who lives alone with his housekeeper can olnly come to terms with his egocentricity by traveling back in time to his earliest youth, finding there the seeds of his failure as husband, lover, father. This film deals with the phenomona of old age wherein childhood memories return with ever-increasing clarity while great stretches of the prime of life vanish into obscurity." . "Fraises sauvages" . . . . "A doctor's journey through a compelling landscape of dream and memory." . . . "Ye cao mei" . "Stockholm (Sweden)" . . "National Cinema Service." . . "Recollection (Psychology) Drama." . . "Gotland (Sweden)" . . "Connoiseur Video Collection (Firm)" . . "Feature films Sweden." . . "Tartan Video (Firm)" . . "Criterion Collection (Firme)" . . "Películas cinematográficas Suecia." . . "World Cinema Ltd." . . "Video Yesteryear." . . "Feature films." . . "Södermanlands län (Sweden)" . . "Death." . .