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Inventing the enemy and other occasional writings / Essays

Covers a wide range of topics on which Umberto Eco has written and lectured over the last ten years, from the discussion of ideas that have inspired his earlier novels - exploring lost islands, mythical realms, and the medieval world in the process - to a disquisition on the theme that runs through his most recent novel.

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  • "Construire il nemico e altri scritti occasionali"@pl

  • "Covers a wide array of topics on which Umberto Eco has written and lectured over the last ten years. The pieces range from the discussion of ideas that inspired his earlier novels - exploring lost islands, mythical realms, and the medieval world in the process - to a disquistion on the theme that runs through his most recent novel, The Prague cemetery, that every country needs an enemy, and if it doesn't have one, must invent it. Eco's lovely new collection examines topics as diverse as St. Thomas Aquinas's notions about the soul of an unborn child, indignant reviews of James Joyce's Ulysses by fascist journalists of the 1920s and 1930s, censorship, violence and Wikileaks. These are essays full of passion, curiosity, and obsessions by one of the world's most esteemed scholars and critically acclaimed, bestselling novelists.--Inside front cover."
  • "This book covers a wide range of topics on which Umberto Eco has written and lectured over the last ten years, from the discussion of ideas that have inspired his earlier novels - exploring lost islands, mythical realms, and the medieval world in the process - to a disquisition on the theme that runs through his most recent novel."
  • "Wozu braucht man Feinde? Umberto Eco beschäftigt sich in seinen kurzen, pointierten Texten mit den aktuellen Fragen unserer Gegenwart - aber auch mit dem Mythos der einsamen Insel und der imaginären Astronomie, mit Themen aus Kunst, Religion, Mythos, Geographie und Geschichte. Und so gelingt es ihm, aus dem weit Auseinanderliegenden etwas ganz anderes zu machen: Stellungnahmen eines leidenschaftlichen Essayisten, dem es gelingt, den Leser genau von dem zu überzeugen, was ihm selbst am allermeisten am Herzen liegt."
  • ""Inventing the Enemy" covers a wide range of topics on which Umberto Eco has written and lectured for the past ten years, from a disquisition on the theme that runs through his most recent novel, "The Prague Cemetery" - every country needs an enemy, and if it doesn't have one, must invent it - to a discussion of ideas that have inspired his earlier novels. Along the way, he takes us on an exploration of lost islands, mythical realms, and the medieval world. Eco also sheds light on the indignant reviews of James Joyce's "Ulysses" by fascist journalists of the 1920s and 1930s, and provides a lively examination of Saint Thomas Aquinas's notions about the soul of an unborn child, censorship, violence, and WikiLeaks. These are essays full of passion, curiosity, and obsessions by one of the world's most esteemed scholars and critically acclaimed, best-selling novelists."
  • "A collection of essays from Italian novelist Umberto Eco on a wide range of topics."
  • "En su prólogo, Umberto Eco habla de estas piezas como "textos de ocasión", es decir, escritos que nacieron de su encargo o del puro divertimento. Cierto, pero cuando quien trabaja de ese modo es un gran maestro, cada frase se convierte en un pequeño regalo para el lector. El libro arranca con el texto titulado "Construir al enemigo", donde se insiste en las bondades de tener siempre a mano a un rival a quien descargar nuestras debilidades o faltas y, si ese rival no existe, pues habrá que crearlo. Le siguen otros textos que cabalgan de Dan Brown a Barak Obama y Angela Merkel, y una espléndida pieza que aborda el tema de Wikileaks, invitándonos a reflexionar sobre el poder del silencio en una sociedad donde el escándalo es moneda corriente. En otros escritos sale a la luz la corrupción política italiana, aliñada con el cuerpo de mujeres hermosas y dispuestas a triunfar, pero alrededor de este tema tan manido el professore hila un sagaz discurso sobre el ruido mediático, especialmente creado desde los centros de poder para distraer al ciudadano medio y ocultar otras noticias importantes. Y de la política pasamos al Ulises, de Joyce, para descubrir una nueva opinión sobre esta novela que muchos mientan y pocos han leído. Resumiendo, Eco tiene edad y condición para hablar de casi todo, enlazando temas que en apariencia parecen muy lejanos, y Construir al enemigo es el mejor ejemplo de una inteligencia privilegiada puesta al servicio de esos lectores que a la vida le piden algo más que titulares de periódico -- Contracarátula."@es
  • "La 4e de couv. porte : Suite à une conversation dans un taxi new-yorkais avec un chauffeur pakistanais qui ne comprend pas qu'un pays puisse exister sans ennemis, Umberto Eco s'interroge. Après avoir constaté les ravages d'idéologies totalitaires telles que le nazisme ou le fascisme, la société actuelle ressent-elle la nécessité de se définir par rapport à un ennemi et de le diaboliser ? Les Etats renonceraient-ils, aujourd'hui, à l'opportunité de créer de nouveaux boucs émissaires pour renforcer le sentiment d'identité nationale et leur pouvoir ? Puis, à l'occasion de conférences ou d'essais à thèmes qui amusent autant celui qui parle que celui qui écoute, et qui sont, en somme, des exercices de rhétorique baroque, l'auteur aborde avec jubilation des sujets variés : l'idée de l'absolu, la tragédie d'Anna Karenine, la poétique de l'excès chez Victor Hugo, les divertissements inspirés par les almanachs, « Parlez-moi d'amour », etc. Le grand érudit qu'est Umberto Eco traite dans ces « écrits occasionnels » de questions qui l'intriguent et le passionnent, sans jamais oublier d'amuser son lecteur."
  • "Il vero titolo di questa raccolta avrebbe dovuto essere il suo sottotitolo, ovvero "scritti occasionali". Solo la giusta preoccupazione dell'editore, che un titolo così pomposamente modesto potesse non attirare l'attenzione del lettore, mentre quello del primo saggio presenta qualche motivo di curiosità, ha fatto propendere per la scelta finale. La virtù di uno scritto occasionale è data dal fatto che di solito l'autore non pensava affatto di doversi occupare di un certo argomento ma vi è stato spinto dall'invito a una serie di conversazioni o saggi a tema, che lo hanno indotto a riflettere su qualcosa che avrebbe altrimenti trascurato. Ed ecco qui una serie di variazioni talora impegnate e talora divertite su temi come l'Assoluto, il Fuoco, il perché piangiamo sulla sorte di Anna Karenina, le astronomie immaginarie, i tesori delle cattedrali, le Isole Perdute, Victor Hugo e i suoi eccessi, le veline, il meccanismo dell'agnizione nel romanzo d'appendice, la fortuna o sfortuna di Joyce nell'epoca fascista eccetera. Tuttavia, che il titolo dell'insieme sia stato desunto dal primo scritto non è casuale, perché alla costruzione del Nemico l'autore si è appena dedicato nel suo ultimo romanzo, "Il cimitero di Praga", né questo meccanismo perverso si è ancora arrestato perché, per tenere i popoli a freno, di Nemici bisogna sempre inventarne, e dipingerli in modo che suscitino paura e ripugnanza."
  • "Covers a wide range of topics on which Umberto Eco has written and lectured over the last ten years, from the discussion of ideas that have inspired his earlier novels - exploring lost islands, mythical realms, and the medieval world in the process - to a disquisition on the theme that runs through his most recent novel."@en
  • "Inventing the Enemy covers a wide range of topics on which Umberto Eco has written and lectured for the past ten years, from a disquisition on the theme that runs through his most recent novel, The Prague Cemetery-every country needs an enemy, and if it doesn't have one, must invent it-to a discussion of ideas that have inspired his earlier novels. Along the way, he takes us on an exploration of lost islands, mythical realms, and the medieval world. Eco also sheds light on the indignant reviews of James Joyce's Ulysses by fascist journalists of the 1920s and 1930s, and provides a lively examination of Saint Thomas Aquinas's notions about the soul of an unborn child, censorship, violence, and WikiLeaks. These are essays full of passion, curiosity, and obsessions by one of the world's most esteemed scholars and critically acclaimed, best-selling novelists."@en

  • "beretninger"
  • "Essays (teksten)"
  • "kongresberetninger"
  • "tidsskriftsartikler"
  • "Translations"
  • "Translations"@en
  • "Eseje włoskie"@pl
  • "foredrag"
  • "Electronic books"@en
  • "Electronic books"

  • "Inventing the enemy and other occasonal writings"
  • "Inventing the enemy and other occasional writings / Essays"@en
  • "Wymyślanie wrogów i inne teksty okolicznościowe"
  • "Wymyślanie wrogów i inne teksty okolicznościowe"@pl
  • "Сотвори себе врага : и другие тексты по случаю"
  • "Construire l'ennemi : et autres écrits occasionnels"
  • "Costruire il nemico e altri scritti occasionali"
  • "Costruire il nemico e altri scritti occasionali"@it
  • "Het creëren van de vijand : gelegenheidsgeschriften"
  • "˜Dieœ Fabrikation des Feindes und andere Gelegenheitsschriften"
  • "Inventing the enemy and other occasional writings"@en
  • "Inventing the enemy and other occasional writings"
  • "Sotvori sebe vraga : i drugie teksty po sluchai︠u︡"
  • "Die Fabrikation des Feindes und andere Gelegenheitsschriften"
  • "Construire l'ennemi et autres écrits occasionnels"
  • "Inventing the enemy : and other occasional writings"
  • "Inventing the enemy : and other occasional writings"@en
  • "Inventing the enemy"@en
  • "Construir al enemigo ; y otros escritos"@es
  • "Costruire il nemico : e altri scritti occasionali"
  • "Kataskeuazontas ton echthro : kai alla peristasiaka keimeno"
  • "Construir al enemigo y otros escritos"@es
  • "Sotvori sebe vraga : i drugie teksty po slutjaju"
  • "Inventing the Enemy"