"Zhong yang dian ying shi ye gong si." . . "中央電影事業公司." . "Opium War (China : 1840-1842)" . . . "Películas chinas Videodiscos." . . "Sichuan \"Ya pian zhan zheng\" ying shi zhi zuo you xian ze ren gong si." . . "四川《鴉片戰爭》影視製作有限責任公司." . "四川《鸦片战争》影视制作有限责任公司." . "四川\"鴉片戰爭\"影視製作有限責任公司." . "Star Treasure Holdings (Firm)" . . . . "1837 - 1901" . . "Great Britain" . . "Películas históricas Videodiscos." . . "Features films China." . . "Guerra en el cine Videodiscos." . . "Dian ying pian." . . "電影片." . "China" . . "China." . "Shanghai lu xiang gong si." . . "上海录像公司." . "Películas cinematográficas Videodiscos." . . "World video & supply Inc." . . "Shanghai yin xiang gong si." . . "上海音像公司." . "Features films." . . "1840 - 1842" . . "Emei dian ying zhi pian zhang Sichuan \"Ya pian zhan zheng\" ying shi zhi zuo you xian ze ren gong si." . . "峨眉電影製片厰 (鴉片戰爭) 影視有限責任公司." . "Emei dian yin zhi pian chang." . . "Emei dian yinhi pian chang." . . "War films" . . . "Opium War" . . . . "Follows the historical events leading up to the Opium War, and subsequently the Treaty of Nanjing that gave control of Hong Kong to the British in 1842. Lin Zexu, a high official in the Emperor's court, is sent to Guangdong Province to stamp out opium trafficking. His vigorous enforcement of the law, including the arrest of British subjects, leads to a retaliatory attack by British soldiers on the city of Tianjin." . . . . . "Dao guang nian jian, ying guo shang ren mei nian xiang zhong e shu ru jin liang qian wan dun ya pian, qing zheng fu mei nian liu shi san qian wan liang bai yin ... ya pian, yan zhong wei xie zhu da qing di guo.yin ci, dao guang huang di bei po xia zhao, ming hu guang zong du lin ze xu wei qin cha da chen, qian wang guang dong jin yan ..." . . "This is a historical drama of destroying more than 20,000 boxes of opium by Governer Lin Zexu, which led to the famous \"Opium War\" in 1839. China lost the battle and Hong Kong became one of the colonies of British Kingdom's colonial empires in 1842." . . . . . . "Yapian zhanzheng The opium war" . "This is a historical drama of destroying more than 20,000 boxes of opium by Governer Lin Zexu, and it initiates the war as famous \"Opium War\" in 1839. China has complete loss of the battle and Hongkong becomes one of the British Kingdom's colonial empires in the treaty." . "This is a historical drama about the destruction of more than 20,000 boxes of opium by Governer Lin Zexu which initiates the \"Opium War\" in 1839. China loses the battle and Hong Kong becomes one of the British Kingdom's colonial empires in the treaty." . . "Foreign language films" . "道光年間, 英國商人每年向中惡輸入近兩千萬噸鴉片, 清政府每年流失三千萬兩白銀 ... 鴉片, 嚴重威脅著大清帝國.因此, 道光皇帝被迫下詔, 命湖廣總督林則徐為欽差大臣, 前往廣東禁煙 ..." . "Ya pian zhan zheng Opium war" . . "History" . "An early Spring day in 1839, a row of gallows were surprisingly put up in front of the British Chamber of Commerce by the Pearl River in Guangzhou. Convicted opium peddlers were hanged to death one by one on the gallows by order of the Emperor's Special Envoy Lin Zexu. The square was packed with throngs of people. They and those British business people in theChamber of Commerce realized that Lin's thorough anti-opium campaign, with support from the Emperor Daoguang, was starting. Lin was a man of both bravery and talent. Just after several bouts in anti-drug actions, Lin confiscated all the opium imported by the British traders." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "鴉片戰爭" . . . . . . . "Opium War [videorecording]" . "Opium war" . . . "This is a historical drama of destroying more than 20,000 boxes of opium by Governer Lin Zexu, and it initiates the war as famous \"Opium War\" in 1839. Finally China has loss of the battle and Hongkong becomes one of the British Kingdom's colonial empires in the treaty in 1842." . . "Historical films" . . . . . . . . . . . . "鴉片戰爭 The opium war" . . . . "鴉片戰爭 = The opium war" . . . . . . "鸦片战争 The opium war" . "Ya pian zhan zheng The opium war" . "Ya pian zhan zheng" . . . "Superproducción histórica y millonaria sobre el proceso de conquista y colonización de Hong Kong por los británicos. La historia comienza cuando el emperador ordena en 1839 combatir el tráfico de opio provocando con este gesto la ira de los comerciantes de Reino Unido." . . . . "Ya píen chan cheng" . . . . "Feature films" . . "A dramatized version of the Opium War in the 1840's." . . . . . . . . "道光年間, 英國商人每年向中國輸入近兩千萬噸鴉片, 清政府每年流失三千萬兩白銀 ... 鴉片, 嚴重威脅著大清帝國.為此, 道光皇帝被迫下詔, 命胡廣總督林則徐為欽差大臣, 前往廣東禁煙.林則徐一到廣州, 立即處死了一批煙販, 這使以顛地為首的英商大為驚慌.林則徐派兵圍住了洋商館, 英商們以絶食抗議, 拒不交出販遠中國的鴨片, 英駐華商務總監義律來到商館, 英商們以為救星已到, 熱列歡呼, 但義律卻先行誘騙既而強迫英國商人們交出所有鴉片, 以暫緩林則徐和英商們的僵局, 一面策劃回英國四處游說, 要求英政府以此為藉口向中國開戰." . "鴉片戰爭 The Opium War" . "Yapian zhanzheng" . . . "Drama" . . . . "This is a historical drama of destroying more than 20,000 boxes of opium by Governor Lin Zexu, and it initiates the war as famous \"Opium War\" in 1839. China has complete loss of the battle and Hongkong becomes one of the British Kingdom's colonial empires in the treaty." . . . "Dramatizes the hostilities between the British and Chinese during the Opium War of 1840." . "A dramatization of the Chinese people's heroic resistance to British imperialism in the Opium War of 1840." . . . . . . . . . "Ya pian zhan zheng = The opium war" . "Dao guang nian jian, ying guo shang ren mei nian xiang zhong guo shu ru jin liang qian wan dun ya pian, qing zheng fu mei nian liu shi san qian wan liang bai yin ... ya pian, yan zhong wei xie zhu da qing di guo.wei ci, dao guang huang di bei po xia zhao, ming hu guang zong du lin ze xu wei qin cha da chen, qian wang guang dong jin yan.lin ze xu yi dao guang zhou, li ji chu si le yi pi yan fan, zhe shi yi dian di wei shou de ying shang da wei jing huang.lin ze xu pai bing wei zhu le yang shang guan, ying shang men yi jue shi kang yi, ju bu jiao chu fan yuan zhong guo de ya pian, ying zhu hua shang wu zong jian yi lu lai dao shang guan, ying shang men yi wei jiu xing yi dao, re lie huan hu, dan yi lu que xian xing you pian ji er qiang po ying guo shang ren men jiao chu suo you ya pian, yi zan huan lin ze xu he ying shang men de jiang ju, yi mian ce hua hui ying guo si chu you shuo, yao qiu ying zheng fu yi ci wei jie kou xiang zhong guo kai zhan." . . . "Historical Drama starting in 1839 in Guangzhou where British merchants dealing with opium are to be executed because the opium is destroying the Empire. After the burning of 20,000 boxes of opium by the Chinese England declares war, because the burned opium was the property of the British commercial attache who had bought it from the British merchants." . . . . "Fiction films" . "Ya pian zhan zheng The Opium War" . "Emei dian ying zhi pian chang" . . "峨嵋電影製片廠." . "Xing bao ji tuan you xian gong si." . . "星寶集團有限公司." . "星寳集團有限公司." .