"Filosofie." . . "filosofi" . . "Philosophy." . . "Philosophie moderne 20e siècle." . . "PHILOSOPHY / History & Surveys / Modern." . . . . . "The making of a philosopher my journey through twentieth-century philosophy" . . . "本書可說是\"蘇菲的世界\"的延伸.在寫作的精神上, \"蘇菲的世界\"強調問題意識, 回到哲學家的處境來探討哲學問題, 所以能引起共鳴.本書延續了這種精神, 在內容上, 則延伸到\"蘇菲的世界\"所謂觸及的二十世紀哲學." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The making of a philosopher"@en . "The making of a philosopher" . . . . . . . . . "The making of a philosopher : my insider's journey through twentieth century philosophy"@en . . . . "Part memoir, part study, The Making of a Philosopher is the self'portrait of a deeply intelligent mind as it develops over a life on both sides of the Atlantic. The Making of a Philosopher follows Colin McGinn from his early years in England reading Descartes and Anselm, to his years in the states, first in Los Angeles, then New York. McGinn presents a contemporary academic take on the great philosophical figures of the twentieth century, including Bertrand Russell, Jean'Paul Sartre, and Noam Chomsky, alongside stories of the teachers who informed his ideas and often became friends and mentors, especially the colorful A.J. Ayer at Oxford. McGinn's prose is always elegant and probing; students of contemporary philosophy and the general reader alike will absorb every page."@en . "Ben shu ke shuo shi\"su fei de shi jie\"de yan shen.zai xie zuo de jing shen shang, \"su fei de shi jie\" qiang diao wen ti yi shi, hui dao zhe xue jia de chu jing lai tan tao zhe xue wen ti, suo yi neng yin qi gong ming.ben shu yan xu le zhe zhong jing shen, zai nei rong shang, ze yan shen dao\"su fei de shi jie\"suo wei chu ji de er shi shi ji zhe xue." . "Biography"@en . "Autobiographie" . "Biography" . "Cong kuang gong shao nian dao zhe xue jia : wo de er shi shi ji zhe xue tan xian" . "Electronic books" . "Electronic books"@en . . "Now a distinguished professor of philosophy and the author of a number of scholarly works, McGinn has written a genuinely accessible introduction to philosophy by describing what it is like to be a philosopher from the inside."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "從礦工少年到哲學家 : 我的二十世紀哲學探險" . . "The Making of a philosopher : my journey through twentieth-century philosophy" . . . . . "The making of a philosopher : my journey through twentieth-century philosophy" . . . "The making of a philosopher : my journey through twentieth-century philosophy"@en . . . . . "Zhe xue Xi yang 20 shi ji." . . "哲學 西洋 20世紀" . "philosophe 20e s." . . "S. XX" . . "Philosoph englischer Geschichte 20. Jh Memoiren." . . "Philosophie 20e siècle." . . "Filosofia." . . "1900 - 1999" . . "1900-1999" . "Geschichte 1900-2000." . . "Philosophy 20th Centry." . . "Philosophey, Modern 20th century." . . "Philosophie." . . "S. XX." . .