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Luo sheng men

Set in ninth century Kyoto. A nobleman is murdered, his bride is raped by a bandit. These deeds are the subject of four different accounts, three by participants and one by an eye-witness. Kurosawa uses a flashback technique to tell the four different versions of these events, and cynically shows the ability of human beings to twist the truth to preserve the idea they have of themselves. The version of the witness, the woodcutter, is different to those of the three participants, and he emerges as the hero of the story.

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  • "Rashoumon"
  • "In a bush"
  • "Janus Film presents: essential art house"
  • "In the woods"
  • "Akira Kurosawa's Rashomon"@en
  • "Akira Kurosawa's Rashomon"
  • "Lustwäldchen"
  • "Akira Kurosawa Collection"@es
  • "Rashomon"
  • "Das Lustwäldchen"
  • "Japan - 1950"
  • "Roshomon"
  • "Akira Kurosawa's rashomon"
  • "Outrage"
  • "Im Dickicht"
  • "Essential art house Rashomon"
  • "Rašomon"
  • "Rasho-Mon"
  • "Essential art house"

  • "A man is murdered; his wife is raped by a bandit. Kurosawa uses a stunning flashback technique to tell four different versions of what occurred. Sensuous imagery and dramatic action combine in this profound exploration of the quicksilver nature of truth."
  • "A nobleman escorting his wife through a remote area is killed and his wide is raped. The story is told from four points of view."
  • "Im "Wald der Dämonen" überfällt der Räuber Tajomaru einen Samurai und dessen Frau, die er vor den Augen ihres Mannes vergewaltigt. Später wird der Ehemann ermordet aufgefunden. Was geschehen ist, sollen die Zeugen der brutalen Tat klären. Doch jeder macht eine andere Aussage. Eine unheimliche Geschichte, die ein tödliches Verbrechen aus verschiedenen Perspektiven schildert. Hier spiegeln sich menschliche Schwächen und Läuterungen wider und zeigen deutlich, wie fliessend die Grenze zwischen Wahrheit und Unwahrheit ist. (Quelle: Umschlagtext)."
  • "Set in ninth century Kyoto. A nobleman is murdered, his bride is raped by a bandit. These deeds are the subject of four different accounts, three by participants and one by an eye-witness. Kurosawa uses a flashback technique to tell the four different versions of these events, and cynically shows the ability of human beings to twist the truth to preserve the idea they have of themselves. The version of the witness, the woodcutter, is different to those of the three participants, and he emerges as the hero of the story."@en
  • "When a man is murdered and his wife raped, the people involved give four different versions of how it all happened."@en
  • "See summary in Chinese."
  • "A riveting psychological thriller that investigates the nature of truth and the meaning of justice, Rashomon is widely considered one of the greatest films ever made. Four people give different accounts of a man's murder and the rape of his wife, which director Akira Kurosawa presents with striking imagery and an ingenious use of flashbacks. This eloquent masterwork and international sensation revolutionized film language and introduced Japanese cinema--and a commanding new star by the name of Toshiro Mifune--to the Western world."
  • "This allegorical tale set in 8th century medieval Japan is a metaphysical study of truth and reality. In a country wracked by famine snd chaos, a woodcutter, a priest, and a peasant are caught in a rainstorm and wait under the ruined gate of Kyoto for the deluge to cease. While they rest and attempt to keep dry, the woodcutter tells a story concerning his discovery in the forest of the corpse of a wealthy man. In a series of four flashbacks, the circumstances surrounding the man's death are recounted from four points of view. A bandit, the nobleman, the nobleman's wife and the woodcutter himself recount a tale of rape and murder. This film represented the opening of Japanese cinema to the West and was remade in the U.S. as The Outrage."
  • "In medieval Japan, four people involved in a rape and murder recite their differing versions of the sequence of events."
  • "In medieval Japan, four people involved in a rape and murder recite their differing versions of the sequence of events."@en
  • "In 12th century Japan, two travelers attempt to discover the truth about an ambush/rape/murder."
  • ""When a man is murdered & his wife raped, the people involved gave four different versions of how it all happened.""
  • "A woodcutter witnesses a horrific series of events - an ambush, rape and murder. In the telling of the tale, however, each of the four participants gives a different view of what actually happened - is anyone telling the truth?"
  • "A woodcutter witnesses a horrific series of events--an ambush, rape, and murder. In the telling of the tale, however, each of the four participants gives a different view of what actually happened. Is anyone telling the truth?"
  • "A priest, a firewood cutter and a man wandering by sit under a gate in a downpour discussing four fairly different versions of how a man was murdered and his wife raped by a bandit."
  • "在戰亂, 天災, 疾病連綿不斷的平班朝. 某日, 在都城附近大澤中發現武士金澤武宏被殺, 被控殺害武宏的盜賊多襄凡, 武宏之妻及召喚宏靈魂的靈媒, 目擊證人行腳僧, 及發現金澤屍體的樵夫等人, 以四個不同的時間, 不同的方式各自說出供詞"
  • "Probes the mercurial nature of truth & subjective reality. Kurosawa cleverly uses a flashback within a flashback technique to form the case history of a man's murder & the rape of his wife by a bandit."
  • "本片以一樁兇殺案展開故事, 跟案件有關的人物和鬼魂先後憶述案情和作供, 但始終解不開疑團."
  • "Detailed summary in vernacular field only."
  • "故事敘述了一個武士和其妻子在遠行途中被強盜攔截並捆綁,其妻被強盜強奸,之后武士又不明原因地死去的故事。電影通過多人對這一事件的不同描述表達了人之不可信這一內涵。劇中強盜、武士妻子、武士分別由三船敏郎、京町子、森雅之扮演。作品獲得1951年威尼斯國際電影節金獅獎、意大利電影評論獎,奧斯卡榮譽獎(相當於今天的奧斯卡最佳外語片獎)等眾多獎項。這是一部在日本電影史上具有裡程碑意義的作品,也被許多人認為是歷史上最偉大的電影之一。"
  • ""Nel Giappone medievale un samurai attraversa un bosco con la moglie. La donna attrae sessualmente un fuorilegge che li osserva passare dopodiché violenta la donna e ne uccide il marito. La versione dei fatti viene raccontata in modo diverso dal bandito, dalla donna, dallo spirito dell'uomo ucciso, che parla di attraverso la bocca di una medium, da un vagabondo che passando ha assistito alla scena. La stessa storia viene raccontata da ognuno dei protagonisti: la verità non ha una faccia sola. Il film ha avuto un rifacimento nel 1964.""
  • "This allegorical tale, set in 8th-century medieval Japan, is a metaphysical study of truth and reality. In a country wracked by famine and chaos, a woodcutter, a priest, and a peasant are caught in a rainstorm and wait under the ruined gate of Kyoto for the deluge to cease. While they rest and attempt to keep dry, the woodcutter relates a story concerning his discovery, in the forest, of the corpse of a wealthy man. In a series of four flashbacks, the circumstances surrounding the man's death are recounted from four points of view. A bandit, the nobleman, the nobleman's wife and the woodcutter himself tell a tale of rape and murder. This film represented the opening of Japanese cinema to the West and was remade in the U.S. as The Outrage. (Does not circulate)."
  • "劇情述及一個兇殺案發生,四名當事人紛紛為了遮掩自己的軟弱而說出漫天大謊...,片中陽光穿射密林,暴風,閃電,鼓音,歌聲等交織而成的氣氛,每一個鏡頭都會使你驚心動魄...."
  • "Japón, siglo XII. En Kioto, bajo las puertas del derruido templo de Rashomon, se guarecen de la torrencial lluvia un leñador, un sacerdote budista y un peregrino. Los tres discuten sobre el juicio a un bandido, acusado de haber dado muerte a un señor feudal y violado a su esposa. Los detalles del crimen son narrados desde el punto de vista del bandido, de la mujer, del señor feudal -con la ayuda de un médium- y del leñador, único testigo de los hechos"@es
  • "Japon, VIIe siècle, trois hommes évoquent un fait divers ... Ce film révéla le raffinement du cinéma japonais au public occidental ... Une oeuvre magnifique et incontournable! Infos DVD : 1 DVD-5 / 1.33 / 4/3 / Mono 2.0 / LG : Jpn / S-T : Fre / Chapitrage, livret critiques. ; Prêt et consultation ; 42,69 Euros TTC."
  • "In ancient Japan, a woman is raped and her husband killed. RASHOMON is played out by giving us four stories- with every story revealing different points of view. The question remains - just which version is the truth? RASHOMON was remade with Paul Newman as THE OUTRAGE (1964) and also credited by director Bryan Singer as his inspiration for the Oscarʼ winning 1995 film THE USUAL SUSPECTS. Kurosawa's breakthrough movie to the West, winning the 1950 Oscarʼ for best Foreign film - RASHOMON remains one of the truly great films of the 20th century."
  • ""A woodcutter witnesses a horrific series of events--an ambush, rape, and murder. In the telling of the tale, however, each of the four participants gives a different view of what actually happened. Is anyone telling the truth?"--Sleeve notes."
  • "A riveting psychological thriller that investigates the nature of truth and the meaning of justice, widely considered one of the greatest films ever made. Four people recount different versions of the story of a man's murder and the rape of his wife. This eloquent masterwork and international sensation revolutionized film language and introduced Japanese cinema, and a commanding new star."
  • "Four different versions of an incident in which a man is murdered and his wife is raped."
  • "The murder of a man and the rape of his wife in a forest grove, seen from four different perspectives. Akira Kurosawa's meditation on the nature of "truth" transformed narrative cinema as we know it."
  • "La jaquette indique : "Kyoto au 11ème siècle. Se proégeant de la pluie sous le portique de Rasho, trois personnes méditent sur un crime sordide défrayant la chronique : dans une forêt voisine, un couple a été attaqué par le célébre bandit Tajomaru. La femme a été violée, alors que son mari, un samouraï a été retrouvé mort. Mais les dispositions des témoins devant le tribunal apportent à chaque fois une version différente du drame, et la vérité ne percera qu'après de nouvelles révélations surprenantes...""
  • "Pour se protéger d'une pluie diluvienne, trois hommes, un bûcheron, un bonze, un domestique se réfugient sous les ruines d'un vieux portique mal famé, Rash-O-Mon, dans l'antique Kyoto. Le bonze et le bûcheron font tour à tour le récit d'une aventure où ils avaient été cités comme témoin. Au total, quatre versions du même évènement nous sont données..."
  • "Im "Wald der Dämonen" überfällt der Räuber Tajomaru einen Samurai und dessen Frau, die er vor den Augen ihres Mannes vergewaltigt. Später wird der Ehemann ermordet aufgefunden. Was geschehen ist, sollen die Zeugen der brutalen Tat klären. Doch jeder macht eine andere Aussage. Eine unheimliche Geschichte, die ein tödliches Verbrechen aus verschiedenen Perspektiven schildert. Hier spiegeln sich menschliche Schwächen und Läuterungen wider und zeigen deutlich, wie fliessend die Grenze zwischen Wahrheit und Unwahrheit ist."
  • "Set in the Middle Age, the nature of truth and subjective reality are probed in a series of flashbacks from four viewpoints to present the case history of a man's murder and the rape of his wife by a bandit."
  • "Four people describe the murder of a nobleman and the rape of his wife with each person's testimoy contradicting the other's."
  • "A man is murdered, his wife is raped by a bandit. A flashback technique is used to tell four different versions of what occurred."@en
  • "Four people involved in the murder of a gentleman in feudal Japan and the seduction of his wife report differing views of what actually happened."
  • "Four people involved in the murder of a gentleman in feudal Japan and the seduction of his wife report differing views of what actually happened."@en
  • "Trois hommes, un bonze, un bcheron et un domestique s'abritent d'une pluie torrentielle sous le portique d'un temple abandonné. Ils évoquent un fait divers récent qui a donné lieu à un procès: un samouraï et son épouse, traversant la forêt, auraient été agressé par un bandit, lequel aurait tué l'homme et violé la femme. Quatre témoignages, partant de ces faits, en donnent des récits contradictoires."
  • "Four people describe the murder of a nobleman and the rape of his wife with each person's testimony contradicting the other's."
  • "In flashbacks geven vier mensen elk hun verslag van wat er gebeurde tijdens een moord en een verkrachting in de bossen."
  • ""Four people involved in the murder of a gentleman in feudal Japan and the seduction of his wife report differing views of what actually happened.""
  • "黑澤明在本片中表明對同一事實會有不同見解的觀點.他從參與者與目擊者的角度展現了兩宗暴力犯罪,採用倒敘的手法將謀殺案和暴力事件的兩種不同版本展現在銀幕上,使觀眾在影片結束後不知道誰是兇手,誰是犧牲品和真相為何.黑澤明在影片裡有400多個分離剪接,非常短暫的90分鐘,但在每一項支配上沒有浪費一個畫面"
  • "Trois hommes, un bonze, un bûcheron et un domestique s'abritent d'une pluie torrentielle sous le portique d'un temple abandonné. Ils évoquent un fait divers récent qui a donné lieu à un procès: un samouraï et son épouse, traversant la forêt, auraient été agressé par un bandit, lequel aurait tué l'homme et violé la femme. Quatre témoignages, partant de ces faits, en donnent des récits contradictoires."
  • "Story of a murder told from four different viewpoints. Set in Japan 1200 years ago."
  • "Japanese with English subtitles."
  • "Set in the Middle Ages, the nature of truth and subjective reality are probed in a series of flashbacks from four viewpoints to present the case history of a man's murder and the rape of his wife by a bandit."
  • "Rashomon, considerada una de las obras maestras de Kurosawa, cuenta con Toshiro Mifune como protagonista y esta basada en el cuento escrito por Ryunosuke Akutagawa en 1915. En este filme, Kurosawa nos narra el camino de la ejecución de un crimen, a través de diversos y varidos testimonios, incluyendo el del perpetrador. Rashomon fue una de las tres películas en las que Kurosoawa colaboró con el talentoso cineasta Kuzo Miyagawa, y es un clásico; influencia y referencia de las producciones cinematográficas a nivel mundial."
  • "Extras: 'A testimony as an image : Rashomon' 70 min. documentary featuring original crew, writer and composer. Introduction by John Boorman. Two original trailers."
  • "This is the original film from 1951 in Remastered form. The film depicts a rape and murder through the widely differing accounts of four witnesses, including the perpetrator and, through a medium (Fumiko Honma), the murder victim. The story unfolds in flashback, as the four characters-the bandit Tajmaru (Toshiro Mifune), the murdered samurai Kanazawa-no-Takehiro (Masayuki Mori), his wife Masago (Machiko Ky), and the nameless woodcutter (Takashi Shimura)-recount the events of one afternoon in a grove. But it is also a flashback within a flashback, because the accounts of the witnesses are being retold by a woodcutter and a priest (Minoru Chiaki) to a ribald commoner (Kichijiro Ueda) as they wait out a rainstorm in a ruined gatehouse. Each story is mutually contradictory, leaving the viewer unable to determine the truth of the"
  • "En el antiguo Japón del siglo XI, una mujer es violada y su marido asesinado. Veremos el accidente desde 4 perspectivas diferentes, la de cada uno de los implicados. Cada uno nos revelará algún detalle adicional. ¿Cuál de las versiones es la verdadera historia de lo que sucedió, si es que hay alguna? ¿Quién está diciendo la verdad?"@es
  • "En el antiguo Japón del siglo XI, una mujer es violada y su marido asesinado. Veremos el accidente desde 4 perspectivas diferentes, la de cada uno de los implicados. Cada uno nos revelará algún detalle adicional. ¿Cuál de las versiones es la verdadera historia de lo que sucedió, si es que hay alguna? ¿Quién está diciendo la verdad?"
  • "During a period of civil war and famine in medieval Japan, a nobleman is killed following the rape of his wife by a bandit. Four different accounts of the events are given by the bandit, the wife, the nobleman through a medium, and a woodcutter who witnessed the events; but each version tells more about the teller, and the truth remains hidden."
  • "A nobleman escorting his wife through a remote area is killed and his wide is raped. The story is told from four points of view. Each story is mutually contradictory, leaving the viewer unable to determine the truth of the events. Rashōmon is perhaps the finest film ever to investigate the philosophy of justice. Through an ingenious use of camera and flashbacks, Kurosawa reveals the complexities of human nature as four people recount different versions of the story."
  • "Ninth century Kyoto; the rape of a nobleman's bride and his possible murder are the subject of four different accounts, three by participants, one by an eye-witness. Kurosawa takes a cynical view of the ability of human beings to twist the truth to preserve the idea they have of themselves. Presented as a mosaic involving double flashbacks, Rashomon, in Donald Richie's words is 'like a vast distorting mirror, or better, a collection of prisms that reflect and refract reality'. While not free from subjectivity the version of the woodcutter witness is of a different order to those of the three participants. Kurosawa reserves some kind of humanistic affirmation for the woodcutter who emerges as hero in the framing story."
  • "Rashomon can be said to have introduced Kurosawa and Japanese cinema to Western audiences, and is considered one of his masterpieces. The film won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival, and also received an Academy Honorary Award at the 24th Academy Awards. The film depicts the rape of a woman and the apparent murder of her husband through the widely differing accounts of four witnesses, including the rapist and, through a medium (Fumiko Honma), the dead man."
  • "SUMMARY: Four people involved in the murder of a gentleman in feudal Japan and the rape of his wife report differing views of what actually happened."
  • "Four people involved in the murder of a gentlemen in feudal Japan and the seduction of his wife, report differing views of what actually happened."
  • "A man is murdered, his wife is raped by a bandit. Kurosawa uses a stunning flashback technique to tell four different versions of what occurred."@en
  • "Summary: Set in the Middle Ages, the nature of truth and subjective reality are probed in a series of flashbacks from four viewpoints to present the case history of a man's murder and the rape of his wife by a bandit."
  • "Kurosawa explores truth and human nature in a metaphor that uses a flashback-within-a-flashback technique to provide four different versions of a murder and rape in medieval Japan. The now-classic film was Kurosawa's first huge international success and paved the way for fellow masters of Japanese cinema."
  • "This film explores the murder of a man, the rape of his wife in a forest grove as seen from four different perspectives."@en
  • "Pour se protéger d'une pluie diluvienne, trois hommes, un bûcheron, un bonze, un domestique se réfugient sous les ruines d'un vieux portique mal famé, rash-o-mon, dans l'antique Kyoto. Le bonze et le bûcheron font tour à tour le récit d'une aventure où ils avaient été cités comme témoin. Au total, quatre versions du même évènement nous sont données..."
  • "Zai zhan luan, tian zai, ji bing lian mian bu duan de ping ban zhao. mou ri, zai du cheng fu jin da ze zhong fa xian wu shi jin ze wu hong bei sha , bei kong sha hai wu hong de dao zei duo xiang fan, wu hong zhi qi ji zhao huan hong ling hun de ling mei, mu ji zheng ren xing jiao seng, ji fa xian jin ze shi ti de qiao fu deng ren, yi si ge bu tong de shi jian, bu tong de fang shi ge zi shuo chu gong ci."
  • ""A priest, a woodcutter and another man are taking refuge from a rainstorm in the shell of a former gatehouse called Rashômon. The priest and the woodcutter are recounting the story of a murdered samurai whose body the woodcutter discovered three days earlier in a forest grove. Both were summoned to testify at the murder trial, the priest who ran into the samurai and his wife traveling through the forest just before the murder occurred. Three other people who testified at the trial are supposedly the only direct witnesses: a notorious bandit named Tajômaru, who allegedly murdered the samurai and raped his wife; the white veil cloaked wife of the samurai; and the samurai himself who testifies through the use of a medium. The three tell a similarly structured story - that Tajômaru kidnapped and bound the samurai so that he could rape the wife - but which ultimately contradict each other, the motivations and the actual killing being what differ ..."--IMDb (viewed Apr. 12, 2011)."
  • "Sumario: Es Japón en el siglo XI donde se inicia una conversación entre tres hombres. Un leñador, un padre y un plebeyo, que se refugiaron de una tempestad en las ruinas del portal de Rashomon. El padre comienza relatar un juicio del cual participó como testigo; envuelto por el estupor de una mujer, un bandido y el asesinato de un samurai Takehiro, el marido de la mujer. En cuanto el padre comienza su narración, van pasando las escenas del juicio y los aspectos del crimen desde el punto de vista de cada testimonio, inclusive el propio espíritu del muerto que es incorporado por una medium."
  • "In medieval Japan, four people have different versions of a violent incident when a bandit attacks a nobleman in the forest [c.f. Halliwell's, 1997 ed.]."
  • "Rashomon transforms the accounting of a sordid crime into a meditation on truth and human nature, affirming the possibility of human goodness while asserting the reality of destructive passion and self-deception."
  • "Four differing versions of the murder of a husband and the rape of the wife by a bandit illustrate the elusive nature of truth."
  • "Drame psychologique adapté de deux nouvelles de Ryunoske "Akutagawa", racontant une légende du Japon féodal. Le cadavre d'un samouraï vient d'être découvert en fôret. Trois hommes en discutent sous le portique en ruine de Rashômon. Un bonze et un bûcheron témoignent au procès. Par un retour en arrière, on assiste au drame, selon les versions apportées par quatre témoins différents : le bandit, la femme de la victime, la mort qui parle par la bouche d'une sorcière et le bûcheron. Le bandit affirme avoir tué le samouraï après avoir violé sa femme. Celle-ci affirme avoir tué son mari. L'âme du mort raconte s'être suicidée et le bûcheron fournit une quatrième version avant d'adopter un enfant. Avec Toshiro Mifune, Masayuku Mori, Machiko Kyo, Takashi Shimura, Minoru Chiaki, Kichijiro Ued a, Fumiko Honma, Daisuke Kato."
  • "Ninth century Kyoto; the rape of a nobleman's bride and his possible murder are the subject of four different accounts, three by participants one by an eye-witness. Kurosawa takes a cynical view of the ability of human beings to twist the truth to preserve the idea thay have of themselves. Presented as a mosaic involving double flashbacks, Rashomon, in Donald Richie's words is 'like a vast distorting mirror, or better, a collection of prisms that reflect and refract reality'. While not free from subjectivity this version of the wood cutter witness is of a different order to those of the three participants. Kurosawa resverse some kind of humanistic affirmation for the wood cutter who emerges as hero in the framing story."@en
  • "Sotto il portico del tempio del dio Rasho a Kyoto nel XV secolo un boscaiolo, un bonzo e un servo rievocano un tragico fatto di sangue, giudicato in un tribunale davanti al quale hanno deposto come testimoni: un bandito aveva aggredito un samurai che, in compagnia della moglie, attraversava una foresta, uccidendo l'uomo e violentando la donna. Alla prima versione dei fatti data dal bandito segue quella della donna: entrambe sono raccontate dal boscaiolo. Il bonzo riferisce una terza versione, fatta dallo spirito del defunto samurai, evocato da una maga. Allora, riprendendo la parola, il boscaiolo confessa di avere assistito al delitto e racconta ai compagni una quarta versione, prima di raccogliere un bambino abbandonato e portarselo a casa. (Mymovies)."
  • "Hei ze ming zai ben pian zhong biao ming dui tong yi shi shi hui you bu tong jian jie de guan dian.ta cong can yu zhe yu mu ji zhe de jiao du zhan xian le liang zong bao li fan zui,cai yong dao xu de shou fa jiang mou sha an he bao li shi jian de liang zhong bu tong ban ben zhan xian zai yin mu shang,shi guan zhong zai ying pian jie shu hou bu zhi dao shei shi xiong shou,shei shi xi sheng pin he zhen xiang wei he.hei ze ming zai ying pian li you 400 duo ge fen li jian jie,fei chang duan zan de 90 fen zhong,dan zai mei yi xiang zhi pei shang mei you lang fei yi ge hua mian."
  • "The criminal, victims, and a witness tell completely different stories of a murder and rape in medieval Kyoto, Japan."
  • "Drame. Quatre témoins apportent des versions différentes d'un assaut meurtrier. Contient, entre autres, les commentaires de l'historien du cinéma Donald Richie, une introduction par le cinéaste Robert Altman et des extraits de "The world of Kazuo Miyagawa", un documentaire sur Akira Kurosawa."
  • "A rape-murder incident is retold 4 different ways by 4 different people."
  • "Vier mensen geven elk hun eigen verslag over wat er gebeurde tijdens een moorddadige verkrachting, met als resultaat dat het onmogelijk is de waarheid te achterhalen."
  • ""A riveting psychological thriller that investigates the nature of truth and the meaning of justice, Rashomon is widely considered one of the greatest films ever made. Four people give different accounts of a man's murder and the rape of his wife, which director Akira Kurosawa presents with striking imagery and an ingenious use of flashbacks. This eloquent masterwork and international sensation revolutionized film language and introduced Japanese cinema, and a commanding new star by the name of Toshiro Mifune, to the Western world"--Container."
  • "Four people involved in the murder of a gentleman in feudal Japan and the seduction of his wife, report differing views of what actually happened."
  • ""Set in the Middle Ages, the nature of truth and subjective reality are probed in a series of flashbacks from four viewpoints to present the case history of a man's murder and the rape of his wife by a bandit"--Video cover."@en
  • "A riveting psychological thriller that investigates the nature of truth and the meaning of justice, Rashomon is widely considered one of the greatest films ever made. Four people give different accounts of a man's murder and the rape of his wife, which director Akira Kurosawa presents with striking imagery and an ingenious use of flashbacks. This eloquent masterwork and international sensation revolutionized film language and introduced Japanese cinema, and a commanding new star by the name of Toshiro Mifune, to the Western world."@en
  • "Ju qing shu ji yi ge xiong sha an fa sheng,si ming dang shi ren fen fen wei le zhe yan zi ji de ruan ruo er shuo chu man tian da huang...,pian zhong yang guang chuan she mi lin . bao feng . shan dian . gu yin . ge sheng deng jiao zhi er cheng de qi fen,mei yi ge jing tou du hui shi ni jing xin dong po ...."

  • "Videodiscos DVD"@es
  • "DVD-Video discs"
  • "Films"
  • "fiction dramatique (fiction)"
  • "Comédie dramatique/Drame psychologique"
  • "Japanese language materials"
  • "Fiction films"
  • "Foreign films"
  • "Foreign films"@en
  • "Videograbaciones"
  • "Samurai films"
  • "History"
  • "Feature films"
  • "Feature films"@en
  • "Cine histórico"@es
  • "Drammatico (Genere)"
  • "Feature"
  • "Historical films"
  • "VCD"
  • "Drama cinematográfico"@es
  • "Fiction"@en
  • "Fiction"
  • "Features"
  • "Drames (cinéma)"
  • "Drama"
  • "Drama"@en
  • "Drama"@es
  • "Thrillers (Motion pictures)"
  • "Speelfilm"
  • "Foreign language films"
  • "Cine criminal"@es
  • "Motion pictures, Japanese"
  • "Crime"
  • "Crime films"
  • "Mystery"
  • "World cinema"
  • "Drames"
  • "Japanese language films"
  • "Thriller"
  • "Detective and mystery films"
  • "Cine de suspense"@es
  • "Videodiscs"
  • "Films dramatiques"
  • "Film adaptations"
  • "Adaptation"
  • "Motion pictures"
  • "Video recordings"
  • "Historical re-creations"

  • "罗生门"
  • "羅生門 Akira Kurosawa's rashomon"
  • "Luo sheng men"@en
  • "Luo sheng men"
  • "Luo sheng men = Rashomon"
  • "Rashomon"
  • "Rashomon"@en
  • "Rashomon"@es
  • "Rashomon"@da
  • "Rashomon"@it
  • "Rashōmon (Motion picture)"
  • "Rashōmon (Motion picture)"@en
  • "羅生門 = Rashomon"
  • "Rashōmon (film)"
  • "Rash̄omon"
  • "羅生門 (Motion picture)"
  • "Rashomon (Film)"
  • "Rashōmon"
  • "Rashōmon"@ja
  • "Rashōmon"@en
  • "Rashōmon derakkusuban"@ja
  • "Rashomon 森崎事務所公演伝統の現在スペシャル"
  • "Luo men sheng"
  • "Rashômon"
  • "Rashômon"@es
  • "Rashomon (Motion picture)"
  • "Akira Kurosawa's Rashomon"
  • "Rashōmōn"
  • "Rashomon derakkusu-ban"
  • "羅生門 デラックス版"
  • "Rashomon (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica)"
  • "羅生門"
  • "Rashōmon Akira Kurosawa's rashomon"
  • "Rashomon (Japan - 1950)"
  • "Rashomon. --"