WorldCat Linked Data Explorer

Dr Franklin's island

When their plane crashes over the Pacific Ocean, three science students are left stranded on a tropical island and then imprisoned by a doctor who is performing horrifying experiments on humans involving the transfer of animal genes.

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  • "Doctor Franklin's island"
  • "Doctor Franklin's island"@en

  • "When their plane crashes over the Pacific Ocean, three science students are left stranded on a tropical island and then imprisoned by a doctor who is performing horrifying experiments on humans involving the transfer of animal genes."
  • "When their plane crashes over the Pacific Ocean, three science students are left stranded on a tropical island and then imprisoned by a doctor who is performing horrifying experiments on humans involving the transfer of animal genes."@en

  • "Science fiction"
  • "Fiction"@en
  • "Fiction"
  • "Young adult fiction"@en
  • "Young adult fiction"
  • "Juvenile works"
  • "Juvenile works"@en
  • "Horror fiction"@en
  • "Horror fiction"
  • "Electronic books"
  • "Young adult works"
  • "Young adult works"@en

  • "Dr Franklin's island"@en
  • "Dr Franklin's island"
  • "Dr. Franklin's island"
  • "Dr. Franklin's island"@en