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Mädchen in uniform

"Today considered one of the masterpieces of German cinema, Maedchen in Uniform was originally banned in Germany and the U.S. Set in a strict boarding school, the tale of a lonely girl's crush on a female teacher proved too sensual for some, and its condemnation of Fascist authoritarianism outraged the Nazis. With Eleanor Roosevelt's help, the U.S. ban was lifted, and the film was later named Best Film of the Year by the New York press"--Videocassette sleeve.

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  • "Women in uniform"
  • "Leontine Sagan's Maedchen in Uniform"
  • "Gestern und heute"
  • "Maedchen in Uniform"
  • "Meisjes in uniform"
  • "Gestern und Heute"
  • "Maedchen in uniform"
  • "Girls in uniform"
  • "Jeunes filles en uniforme"
  • "Mädchen in Uniform"
  • "Maidens in uniform"

  • "Living in the prison-like confines of a Prussian boarding school for the daughters of army officers, a young girl finds herself choked by the institution's strict regimentation and rigid discipline. Under the unbending rule of a matriarchal staff, she falls in love with the school's only caring teacher. When the principal finds out about the affair, she is isolated from the rest of the students and is driven from her unhappiness to attempt suicide."
  • "Portrays contrasting effects of a stern headmistress and a sympathetic teacher on an impressionable and motherless young girl. Set in a private boarding school for girls in Germany of the 1920's."
  • "Après la mort de sa mère, Manuela est placée dans un pensionnat pour jeunes filles appartenant à la noblessse militaire prussienne. Heurtée par une discipline austère, l'adolescente se prend d'affection exaltée pour une institutrice, Mlle von Bernburg. A la suite d'une représentation théâtrale, Manuela clame publiquement son amour pour Mlle von Bernburg. Devant le scandale provoqué, elle tente de se suicider. Ce drame fera réfléchir la directrice sur ses méthodes d'éducation."
  • "Nach dem Tod ihrer Mutter wird Manuela von Meinhardis in eine strenge Erziehungsanstalt gesteckt, in der Selbstzucht und Disziplin zu unmenschlichem Drill pervertiert werden. Manuelas einziger Trost ist ihre schwärmerische Verehrung für die hübsche Erzieherin Frau von Bernburg. Als sie dieser Verehrung bei einer Schulfeier allzu offen Ausdruck gibt, kommt es zu Missdeutungen und zu einem Skandal. Manuela wird von der Umwelt isoliert und eingesperrt. Als sie sich auch von Frau von Bernburg verlassen glaubt, will sie sich töten. Im letzten Augenblick wird sie gerettet. Schockiert und sehr allein geht die reaktionäre Heimleiterin in ihr Zimmer. Wenn auch die kritische Substanz des Films heute vergleichsweise harmlos erscheint, so wirkt seine Milieu- und Charakterschilderung doch unverändert. (Reclams Filmführer, Stuttgart 1973)."
  • "Drame adapté pour le cinéma de la pièce "Gestern und Heute" de Christa Winsloe. Une jeune fille, élevée dans un pensionnat féminin à la discipline rigide, devient amoureuse de son professeur et tente le suicide. Principales interprètes : Hertha Thiele et Dorothea Wieck. En allemand avec sous-titres anglais."
  • "Living in the prison-like confines of a Nazi boarding school, a young girl falls in love with the school's only caring teacher."
  • "A girl at a strict boarding school for the daughters of Prussian army officers falls in love with one of the teachers. She is isolated from the rest of the students by the headmistress and driven to attempt suicide."
  • "Central to the film, set in a boarding school for the daughters of German officers prior to World War I, is the intense relationship between a young student and her female teacher. Interwoven emotional and institutional pressures result in near tragedy. The atmosphere of Prussian authoritarianism in the school is expertly evoked and the film has long been seen as an attack on German militarism. It was suppressed by the Nazis. Causing an uproar on its release because of its frank handling of lesbianism, it was rediscovered in the seventies and has now taken its place as a classic of gay cinema. Director Leontine Sagan had been trained by Max Reinhardt and was already a prominent stage actress. Soon afterwards she came to England to direct a film for Alexander Korda."
  • "A sensitive portrayal of life in a school for daughters of Prussian Army officers in Potsdam, 1913, and the tragic results of authoritarianism and repression. Considered a scandal when it was released, and subsequently banned by the Nazis (who forced its director into exile) and in the United States, this early German talkie deals with a rebellious schoolgirl who falls in love with a well-liked teacher and commits suicide when the teacher is punished for their lesbian relationship."
  • ""Today considered one of the masterpieces of German cinema, Maedchen in Uniform was originally banned in Germany and the U.S. Set in a strict boarding school, the tale of a lonely girl's crush on a female teacher proved too sensual for some, and its condemnation of Fascist authoritarianism outraged the Nazis. With Eleanor Roosevelt's help, the U.S. ban was lifted, and the film was later named Best Film of the Year by the New York press"--Videocassette sleeve."
  • ""Today considered one of the masterpieces of German cinema, Maedchen in Uniform was originally banned in Germany and the U.S. Set in a strict boarding school, the tale of a lonely girl's crush on a female teacher proved too sensual for some, and its condemnation of Fascist authoritarianism outraged the Nazis. With Eleanor Roosevelt's help, the U.S. ban was lifted, and the film was later named Best Film of the Year by the New York press"--Videocassette sleeve."@en
  • "Set in a strict boarding school, the tale of a lonely girl's crush on a female teacher, this early feminist classic is a tender portrayal of female bonding and love. It's condemnation of Facist authoritarianism outraged the Nazis. Far from being simply an issue picture this is a fable about individuality and special needs being crushed mercilessly by authoritarianism, which comes in many forms."
  • "Potsdam, 1910. Nach dem Tod ihrer zärtlich geliebten Mutter wird Manuela von Meinhardis in ein Internat für adelige Mädchen gebracht. Dort führt eine erzkonservative Oberin ein strenges Regiment. Zucht und Ordnung sind ihre Lieblingswörter, für "Gefühlsduseleien" hat sie kein Verständnis. Die sensible Manuela, die noch immer unter dem Verlust ihrer Mutter leidet, vermag sich nur schwer ihrer neuen Umgebung anzupassen. Sie hat aber das Glück, dem Schlafsaal von Fräulein von Bernburg zugewiesen zu werden, denn die verständnisvolle Erzieherin ist bei den Mädchen besonders beliebt. Fräulein von Bernburg spürt, dass Manuela Hilfe braucht, und nimmt sich ihrer mit großem Einfühlungsvermögen an. Manuela reagiert darauf mit schwärmerischer Verehrung. Als die Mädchen zum Geburtstag der Oberin "Romeo und Julia" aufführen, darf Manuela die männliche Hauptrolle spielen und blüht regelrecht auf. Nach der Aufführung steigert sie sich im Überschwang ihrer Gefühle in eine Liebeserklärung an Fräulein von Bernburg hinein - ein ungeheuerlicher Skandal, vor allem die Oberin ist zutiefst empört. Manuela soll aus dem Internat entfernt werden; Fräulein von Bernburg wird für dieses unfassbare Vorkommnis verantwortlich gemacht. Als Manuela erfährt, in welche Schwierigkeiten sie die geliebte Erzieherin gebracht hat, will sie sich in ihrer Verzweiflung das Leben nehmen ... Während in der Verfilmung von 1931 die Starrheit altpreußischen Erziehungsdrills wirkungsvoll angeprangert wurde, bleibt diese Neuverfilmung psychologisch oberflächlich und bietet trotz guter Darsteller und effektvoller Inszenierung lediglich unverbindliche Unterhaltung (Lex. des Internat. Films). (, 12.2008)."
  • "Living in the prison-like confines of a Prussian boarding school for the daughters of army officers, a young girl finds herself choked by the institution's strict regimentation and rigid discipline. Under the unbending rule of a matriarchal staff, she falls in love with the school's only caring teacher. When the principal finds out about the affair, her harsh, cruel punishment drives the girl to the brink of suicide."
  • "This study of life in an aristocratic boarding school for girls explores anti-Fascist and anti-patriarchal themes and was shot in Germany two years before Hitler's rise to power. A young girl, who is nearly crushed by the strict Prussian regimentation, falls in love with one of her teachers but is victimized by the principal's harsh disciplinary action. Sagan utilized innovative cinematic techniques to capture the oppressive atmosphere of the school as a microcosm of German society."
  • "Living in the prison-like confines of a Nazi boarding school, a young girl who is choked by the rigid discipline and regimentation, falls in love with the school's only caring teacher. When the principal finds out, her harsh, cruel punishment drives the girl to the brink of suicide."
  • "Portrays contrasting effects of stern headmistress and sympathetic teacher on an impressionable and motherless young girl. Set in private boarding school for girls in Germany of the 1920s."
  • "A girl at a strict boarding school for the daughters of Prussian army officers falls in love with Elizabeth von Bernburg, one of her teachers. She is isolated from the rest of the students by the headmistress and subsequently attempts suicide."
  • "A girl at a strict boarding school for the daughters of Prussian army officers falls in love with one of the teachers. She is isolated from the rest of the students by the headmistress and is driven from her unhappiness to attempt suicide."

  • "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"
  • "Belletristische Darstellung"
  • "Motion pictures, German"
  • "DVD-Video"
  • "fiction dramatique (fiction)"
  • "Plays"
  • "Plays"@en
  • "Feature films"
  • "Film adaptations"
  • "German films"
  • "German films"@en
  • "DVD-Video discs"
  • "Cinéma allemand"
  • "Drama"@en
  • "Drama"
  • "Foreign language films"
  • "Features"
  • "Features"@en
  • "Fiction"
  • "Video recordings"
  • "Fiction films"
  • "Coming-of-age films"
  • "Melodramas (Motion pictures)"

  • "Mädchen in uniform"
  • "Mädchen in uniform"@en
  • "Mädchen in uniform = Girls in uniform"
  • "Mädchen in Uniform"@en
  • "Mädchen in Uniform"
  • "Mädchen in Uniform Maedchen in uniform"
  • "Maedchen in Uniform"
  • "Maedchen in uniform"
  • "Madchen in uniform"
  • "Mädchen in Uniform Girls in uniform"
  • "Madchen in Uniform"
  • "Mädchen in Uniform Maidens in uniform"
  • "Mädchen in Uniform (Motion picture : 1931)"
  • "Maedchen in Uniform nach dem Bühnenstück "Gestern und heute" von Christa Winsloe"