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The merchant of Venice

Laurence Olivier plays the money lender Shylock in Jonathan Miller's National Theatre production of Shakespeare's comedy. Also featuring Joan Plowright as Portia, Jeremy Brett as Bassanio, and Michael Jayston as Gratiano. The TV version is directed by John Sichel. Broadcast on A & E TV.

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  • "Shakespeare's The merchant of Venice"
  • "William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice"@en
  • "Complete dramatic works of William Shakespeare"@en
  • "Complete dramatic works of William Shakespeare"
  • "William Shakespeare's The merchant of Venice"@en
  • "William Shakespeare's The merchant of Venice"
  • "威尼斯商人"
  • "Long day's journey into night"
  • "Wei ni si shang ren"@en
  • "Dramatic works of William Shakespeare"
  • "Plays written by William Shakespeare"@en
  • "Dramatic works of William Shakespeare, Comedy"

  • "Laurence Olivier plays the money lender Shylock in Jonathan Miller's National Theatre production of Shakespeare's comedy. Also featuring Joan Plowright as Portia, Jeremy Brett as Bassanio, and Michael Jayston as Gratiano. The TV version is directed by John Sichel. Broadcast on A & E TV."@en
  • ""A television version of Jonathan Miller's London stage production of The Merchant of Venice. The play is set in the Venice of 1860. Laurence Olivier stars in Shakespeare's story of the young Venetian and the Jew who lends him money on the security of one pound of flesh. Upon default the Jew insists on payment of his bond and the young Venetian is rescued by the heroine disguised as a male lawyer"."
  • "Shakespeare's timeless study of vengeance and justice."@en
  • "A dramatization of William Shakespeare's play The Merchant of Venice."@en
  • "A dramatization of Shakespeare's famous play."@en
  • "A blend of tragic and comic material, this is one of Shakespeare's most ambiguous plays. The crux of the ambiquity lies in the character of the Jewish moneylender, Shylock."@en
  • "This tragicomedy continues to be seen as one of Shakespeare's most ambiguous plays leading to debate regarding the character Shylock."@en
  • "A dramatization of Shakespeare's play entitled The merchant of Venice."@en
  • "A dramatization of Shakespeare's play entitled The merchant of Venice."
  • "The National Theatre Company presents this dramatic version based on Jonathan Miller's brilliant stage production."@en
  • "Summary: Dramatization of Shakespeare's play entitled the merchant of Venice."@en
  • "Shakespeare's play featuring Laurence Olivier, Joan Plowright and Jeremy Brett."@en
  • "Presents a dramatization of one of William Shakespeare's most well-known comedies. Blending tragedy and comedy, it presents contrasts and ambiguities, the complexities of which lie in the character Shylock, its captivating villain. Is he a villain, a buffoon or tragic hero?"@en
  • "Shakespeare's play in which a Jewish moneylender uses the courts to enforce a murderous revenge on his enemy."
  • "Blending tragedy and comedy, this play presents contrasts and ambiguities, the complexities of which lie in the character Shylock, its captivating villain. Is he a villain, a buffoon, or tragic hero?"
  • "Blending tragedy and comedy, this play presents contrasts and ambiguities, the complexities of which lie in the character Shylock, its captivating villain. Is he a villain, a buffoon, or tragic hero?"@en
  • "A traditional presentation of The Merchant of Venice, William Shakespeare's classic tale that meshes contemporary moral issues with tense drama and romantic intrigue. The wealthy merchant Antonio rashly agrees to a deadly bond with the usurer Shylock while procuring a loan for his impoverished friend, Bassanio. The money, Bassanio hopes, will make him a more worthy suitor in the eyes of the fair Portia."@en
  • "Presents a dramatization of Shakespeare's play entitled The Merchant of Venice."
  • "Set in 1860's Venice, a young Venetian borrows money from a Jew who gives him the money on the security of one pound of flesh. Upon default the Jew insists on payment of his bond and the young Venetian is rescued by the heroine disguised as a male lawyer."@en
  • "Set in 1860's Venice, a young Venetian borrows money from a Jew who gives him the money on the security of one pound of flesh. Upon default the Jew insists on payment of his bond and the young Venetian is rescued by the heroine disguised as a male lawyer."
  • "The merchant of Venice: Laurence Olivier stars in Shakespeare's story of the young Venetian and the Jew who lends him money on the security of one pound of flesh. Upon default the Jew insists on payment of his bond and the young Venetian is rescued by the heroine disguised as a male lawyer."
  • "Shakespeare's classic drama of mercy, tolerance and the law in sixteenth-century Venice."
  • "En 1596, à Venise, les Juifs n'ont pas accès à la propriété et utilisent le prêt usuraire pour s'enrichir, une pratique qui répugne aux citoyens chrétiens. Lorsque son jeune ami Bassanio a besoin de trois mille ducats pour séduire la princesse Portia, Antonio, un propriétaire de navires marchands, se résout à faire appel à Shylock, un usurier Juif qu'il a toujours méprisé. Pour se venger, le prêteur exige d'Antonio une livre de sa chair s'il ne rembourse pas la somme dans trois mois. L'armateur accepte, comptant sur l'arrivée imminente de ses bateaux. Mais pendant que Bassanio courtise Portia, Antonio apprend que sa flotte a été détruite dans une tempête. Devant un tribunal, Shylock réclame son dû, suscitant le dégoût de la population. Surgit alors un mystérieux personnage qui intervient pour trancher le litige. [(c) Médiafilm]. Avec John Franklin-Robbins, John Nettles, Richard Morand, Kenneth Graham, Gemma Jones, Susan Jameson, Warren Mitchell, Daniel Mitchell, Peter Gale."
  • "Presents a dramatization of William Shakespeare's play entitled The merchant of Venice."@en
  • "To finance Bassanio's voyage to Belmont to win the hand of Portia, Antonio borrows money from the Jew Shylock with a pound of his own flesh as collateral. The ships sink and Shylock demands his pound of flesh. Portia disguises herself as a lawyer and wins the case by specifying that Shylock cannot take one drop of Antonio's blood."@en
  • "Shakespeare's timeless study of vengeance and justice set in 1860 Venice."@en
  • ""Blending tragedy and comedy, this play presents contrasts and ambiguities, the complexities of which lie in the character Shylock, its captivating villain. Is he a villain, a buffoon, or tragic hero?"--Container."@en
  • "William Shakespeare's tragicomedy of confrontation and contradiction in dealing with the characterization of Shylock, and Jewish moneylender."@en
  • "Antonio's friend Bassanio is in love and needs money to go courting. Using Antonio as his collateral, he borrows money from Shylock. But when the debt comes due, Shylock demands repayment in the form of a pound of Antonio's flesh."@en
  • ""De jonge edelman Bassanio leent via zijn vriend Antonio geld om indruk te kunnen maken op zijn droomvrouw Portia. Antonio sluit hiervoor een lening af bij de Joodse geldschieter Shylock (Laurence Olivier). Maar deze heeft nog een appeltje te schillen met de koopman, en hij laat een bijzondere clausule in het contract opnemen. Wanneer Antonio op de afgesproken datum het bedrag niet kan overleggen, mag Shylock volgens het contract een pond vlees uit zijn lichaam snijden. Antonio krijgt hulp van Bassanio en Portia en hij biedt zelfs het dubbele bedrag om zichzelf vrij te kopen, maar Shylock wil van geen wijken weten."--Container."
  • "A play about judgement, atonement and mercy, beginning with revenge, hatred and illicit love ... ending with understanding, compatibility and perfect love. Two stories are cleverly merged - that of Shylock's determination to reclaim the money he lent to Antonio plus one pound of Antonio's flesh -and the love of Bassanio and Portia."@en
  • "Presents Shakespeare's comedy that combines comic intrigue with a vivid portrait of hatred and greed."@en
  • "A dramatization of William Shakespeare's play entitled The Merchant of Venice."@en
  • "A dramatization of William Shakespeare's play entitled The merchant of Venice."@en
  • "Presents a production of William Shakespeare's The merchant of Venice designed especially for television."@en
  • "Shakespeare's comedy, Merchant of Venice, is a blend of tragedy and comedy about a merchant seeking a maiden's hand in marriage."@en
  • "A dramatization of Shakespeare's play The merchant of Venice."@en
  • "Dramatization of Shakespeare's play."@en
  • "Blending tragedy and comedy, The merchant of Venice presents contrasts and ambiguities, the complexities of which lie in the character Shylock, the play's captivating villain."@en
  • "A dramatization of Shakespeare's play entitled The Merchant of Venice."@en
  • "A blend of tragic and comic material, this is one of Shakespeare's most ambiguous plays. The crux of the ambiguity lies in the character of the Jewish moneylender, Shylock. The play's central theme is really the conflict between the world of legislation and the world of mercy. The play has wonderful, contradictory ambiguities."@en
  • "Jessica may be kept from marrying her true love because her father, Shylock, a Jewish merchant, does not approve of the marriage."@en
  • "A dramatization of William Shakespeare's play, which blends tragedy and comedy. The complexity of the character, Shylock, is presented in contrasts and ambiguities."@en
  • "A television version of Jonathan Miller's London stage production of The merchant of Venice. Laurence Olivier stars in Shakespeare's story of the young Venetian and the Jew who lends him money on the security of one pound of flesh. Upon default the Jew insists on payment of his bond and the young Venetian is rescued by the heroine disguised as a male lawyer."@en
  • "The Merchant of Venice is one of Shakespeare's most famous comedies. It has become most celebrated for its captivating villain, Shylock. Blending tragedy and comedy, this play presents contrasts and ambiguities. The complexity lies in the character Shylock. Is he a villain, a buffoon or tragic hero?--from website."
  • "This series of programs challenges traditional interpretations of seven Shakespearean plays. The programs, from the BBC Archives, consist of personalities from the arts using excerpts from BBC productions of the plays in analyzing the actions of the main character while providing original insight into the meaning of each drama."
  • "Antonio approaches Shylock, a wealthy moneylender, for a loan to help his young friend Bassanio to woo the fair Portia. Despite being longtime enemies, Shylock grants the request, but demands one pound of Antonio's flesh if the debt is not repaid on time."
  • "Shakespeare - BBC Version - VID 1546."@en
  • "Dramatization of Shakespeare's play that blends tragedy and comedy. Presents contrasts and ambiguities, the complexities of which lie in the character Shylock, its captivating villain. Is he a villain, a buffoon, or tragic hero?"@en
  • "Presents Shakespeare's play which strives to answer the question of whether Shylock is an implacable villain, a comic buffon, a tragic hero or a venomous monster."@en
  • "A television version of Jonathan Miller's London stage production of The Merchant of Venice. Laurence Olivier stars in Shakespeare's story of the young Venetian and the Jew who lends him money on the security of one pound of flesh. Upon default the Jew insists on payment of his bond and the young Venetian is rescued by the heroine disguised as a male lawyer."@en
  • "Amoureux de Portia, la riche héritière, Bassanio s'efforce d'obtenir sa main. Pour l'aider, son ami Antonio est obligé, ayant emprunté une somme de trois mille ducats à l'usurier juif Shylock, de lui promettre, en cas de non-paiement, une livre de sa chair. Le jour de l'échéance venu, la dette non réglée, Shylock exige l'exécution de la clause. Mais l'habilité de Portia, revêtue de la robe d'avocat, sauve Antonio en confondant l'usurier retors."
  • "Long day's journey into night: Depicts a day in the life of a family deteriorating from alcoholism, drug addiction, and imminent death. Ageing actor James Tyrone has abandoned all hope of being a great performer and has settled for being a hack. His bitter wife, Mary, has slipped into morphine addiction, while his eldest son, Jamie, is a drunk. Jamie is envious of the writing talent of his sickly younger brother, Edmund. These four haunted lives are about to clash."
  • "Shylock loans money to a man he despises, the merchant Antonio, only if a pound of Antonio's flesh will be due, in a court of law, upon default. Antonio borrows the money so that his friend Bessanio can travel to woo the woman he loves, Portia, whose freedom to marry is bound up in a fairy-tale decree of her father's."
  • "Shylock loans money to a man he despises, the merchant Antonio, only if a pound of Antonio's flesh will be due, in a court of law, upon default. Antonio borrows the money so that his friend Bessanio can travel to woo the woman he loves, Portia, whose freedom to marry is bound up in a fairy-tale decree of her father's."@en
  • "Television adaptation of the National Theatre's stage production, directed for the stage by Jonathan Miller."

  • "Televised performances"@en
  • "Public performance video recordings"@en
  • "English drama (Comedy)"@en
  • "Television adaptations"@en
  • "Television adaptations"
  • "Feature films"
  • "Feature films"@en
  • "DVDs"@en
  • "Televised plays"@en
  • "Video recordings for the hearing impaired"@en
  • "Drama"@en
  • "Drama"
  • "Television programs"
  • "Television programs"@en
  • "Videodiscos DVD"
  • "Videorecording"
  • "Fiction films"@en
  • "Television"
  • "Film adaptations"
  • "Film adaptations"@en
  • "Criticism, interpretation, etc"
  • "Television plays"@en
  • "Television plays"
  • "Video recordings"@en
  • "Video recordings"
  • "Vidéo"
  • "Llargmetratges"
  • "Comedia"
  • "Nonfiction television programs"@en
  • "Comedy films"@en
  • "Television comedies"@en
  • "Fiction television programs"@en
  • "Television plays, English"

  • "Merchant Of Venice"
  • "Merchant of Venice (Programma televisivo)"
  • "The merchant of Venice"
  • "The merchant of Venice"@en
  • "Merchant of Venice"
  • "Merchant of Venice"@en
  • "The merchant of Venice the classic comedy of love, vengeance and sacrifice"
  • "Merchant of Venice (Television program : 1980)"
  • "Merchant of Venice (Television program : 1980)"@en
  • "Merchant of Venice (Programa televisiu)"
  • "Merchant of Venice (Programma televisivo : 1980)"
  • "Merchant of Venice (Television program : 1973)"@en
  • "Merchant of Venice (Television program : 1973)"
  • "The Merchant of Venice"@en
  • "The Merchant of Venice"
  • "The Merchant of Venice (video recording)"@en
  • "The Merchant of Venice = [wei ni si shang ren]"@en
  • "The merchant of Venice [videocassette set]"
  • "Merchant of Venice (Television program : 2001)"@en
  • "The Merchant of Venice = [威尼斯商人]"
  • "Merchant of Venice (Film)"