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The edge of madness

Cyber-warfare: the kind that brings nations to their knees, switching off energy lifelines, crippling the financial markets, starving leaders of authority. An old Russian nuclear reactor goes into Chernobyl-style meltdown while, on the other side of the world, the US Eastern Seaboard is plunged into darkness. No one knows - yet - who is responsible for the chaos. Hidden from view of the rest of the world, an extraordinary meeting of the US President, the Russian President and the British Prime Minister is about to take place. They have the weekend to save the world - and they must do it alone. Something serious is going on in Beijing. Military manoeuvres. Troops on the streets. It's as though the Chinese are preparing for the final thrust against their old enemies, bringing them to their knees in a war that will see not a single shot being fired.

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  • "The world is peering into a terrifying chasm of a new type of conflict: cyber-warfare. Where computers take over from missiles and global damnation comes at the click of a button. The main threat - China."
  • "Cyber-war. Not the sort that steals identities but the kind that brings nations to their knees, switching off their energy lifelines, crippling financial markets, starving their leaders of authority. Much of the world is being dragged to the brink of chaos, but no one knows who is responsible. Under conditions of the most compelling secrecy the leaders of Britain, Russia and the United States gather together to combat the threat. Yet they bring with them old wounds and personal agendas that split them apart. Harry Jones, the SAS-trained politician, is with them and in the few crucial hours they have to decide the world's fate, he must try to save them from themselves. Terrifying decisions have to be made."
  • "Cyber-warfare: the kind that brings nations to their knees, switching off energy lifelines, crippling the financial markets, starving leaders of authority. An old Russian nuclear reactor goes into Chernobyl-style meltdown while, on the other side of the world, the US Eastern Seaboard is plunged into darkness. No one knows - yet - who is responsible for the chaos. Hidden from view of the rest of the world, an extraordinary meeting of the US President, the Russian President and the British Prime Minister is about to take place. They have the weekend to save the world - and they must do it alone. Something serious is going on in Beijing. Military manoeuvres. Troops on the streets. It's as though the Chinese are preparing for the final thrust against their old enemies, bringing them to their knees in a war that will see not a single shot being fired."
  • "Cyber-warfare: the kind that brings nations to their knees, switching off energy lifelines, crippling the financial markets, starving leaders of authority. An old Russian nuclear reactor goes into Chernobyl-style meltdown while, on the other side of the world, the US Eastern Seaboard is plunged into darkness. No one knows - yet - who is responsible for the chaos. Hidden from view of the rest of the world, an extraordinary meeting of the US President, the Russian President and the British Prime Minister is about to take place. They have the weekend to save the world - and they must do it alone. Something serious is going on in Beijing. Military manoeuvres. Troops on the streets. It's as though the Chinese are preparing for the final thrust against their old enemies, bringing them to their knees in a war that will see not a single shot being fired."@en
  • ""Cyber-war: the kind that brings nations to their knees, switching off energy lifelines, crippling the financial markets, starving leaders of authority. An old Russian nuclear reactor goes into Chernobyl-style meltdown while, on the other side of the world, the US Eastern Seaboard is plunged into darkness. No one knows - yet - who is responsible for the chaos. Hidden far away, in a castle on the west coast of Scotland, an extraordinary meeting of the US President, the Russian President and the British Prime Minister is about to take place. Harry Jones, the SAS-trained politician, is with them and, in a few crucial hours, they have to decide the fate of the planet."--Publisher's description."

  • "Powieść angielska"@pl
  • "Thriller"
  • "Fiction"
  • "Fiction"@en
  • "Large type books"
  • "Suspense fiction"
  • "Suspense fiction"@en
  • "Electronic books"@en

  • "The edge of madness"
  • "The edge of madness"@en
  • "The Edge of Madness"@en
  • "Na krawędzi szaleństwa"
  • "Na krawędzi szaleństwa"@pl