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A documented history of Gullah Jack Pritchard and the Denmark Vesey slave insurrection of 1822

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  • "In this book which focuses on Gullah Jack Pritchard, "the spiritual center of the insurrection," Walker and Silverman present copies of documents which are rarely available in order "to present a portrait of Gullah Jack Pritchard that will allow a contemporary public to know more about this slave, conjurer, and revolutionary and the role he played in organizing a rebellion of substantial historical significance."--Introduction, p. vi-viii."

  • "Sources"
  • "History"
  • "Biography"

  • "A documented history of Gullah Jack Pritchard and the Denmark Vesey slave insurrection of 1822"
  • "A documented history of Gullah Jack Pritchard and the Denmark Vesey slave insurrection of 1822"@en