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Dead Point Jack Irish book 3

Jack's not focused on his latest job: finding Robbie Colburn. But when he gets serious, he finds his target is of great interest to some powerful people--people with bad habits and little respect for the criminal justice system. The third novel in Peter Temple's award-winning Jack Irish series.--Provided by publisher.

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  • "Jack Irish - lawyer, gambler and people-finder - is hunting down the villains who hijacked the winnings from his latest betting coup when he is hired by a mystery client to find missing barman Robbie Colburne. But Robbie turns up dead of a drug overdose. The case should be closed, but the dashing young barman was far from what he seemed, and the client wants to know more. As Jack explores the young man's past, he finds himself drawn into a deadly network of power, politics and money. In this world, nothing can be taken at face value and everyone is expendable - including Jack."
  • "Jack is hunting down the villains who hijacked the winnings from his latest betting coup when he is hired by a mystery client to find missing barman Robbie Colbourne. But Robbie turns up dead from a drug overdose."
  • "Jack's not focused on his latest job: finding Robbie Colburn. But when he gets serious, he finds his target is of great interest to some powerful people--people with bad habits and little respect for the criminal justice system. The third novel in Peter Temple's award-winning Jack Irish series.--Provided by publisher."@en
  • "Een Australische advocaat, die als parttime detective onderzoek doet naar de roof van de gokopbrengsten van de paardenraces, raakt verzeild in de wereld van macht, politieke spelletjes en geld."
  • "It takes a lot to rattle Jack Irish but, as Melbourne descends into a cold, wet winter, his mood is on the same trajectory. His mind is not fully on the job at hand: find Robbie Colburne. But when Jack gets serious, he finds that Colburne is of great interest to some powerful people with a distinct lack of respect for the criminal justice system."@en
  • "It takes a lot to rattle Jack Irish but, as Melbourne descends into a cold, wet winter, his mood is on the same trajectory. The woman in Jack's life has reconnected with an old flame. He has gambled and lost massively and seen a champion horse put down. It's not surprising that Jack's mind is not fully on the job he's being paid to do: find Robbie Colburne, occasional barman. But when Jack does get serious, he finds the freelance drink-dispenser is of great interest to some powerful people, people with very bad habits and a distinct lack of respect for the criminal justice system...Any lapse in concentration could prove fatal."

  • "Suspense fiction"@en
  • "Suspense fiction"
  • "Mystery fiction"@en
  • "Mystery fiction"
  • "Fiction"@en
  • "Fiction"
  • "Electronic books"@en
  • "Electronic books"
  • "Detective and mystery stories"
  • "Detective and mystery stories"@en

  • "Dead point : No.3 : Jack Irish"
  • "Dood punt"
  • "Dead Point Jack Irish book 3"@en
  • "Dead point"@en
  • "Dead point"
  • "Dead point : [a Jack Irish thriller]"