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The year of our war

Unique among his fellow immortals and mortal folk alike, Jant Comet can fly. His talent is a gift and a curse that has earned him a place in the Castle Circle as Messenger to the Emperor San -- soaring high and free above the bloody battlefields of his world, carrying word back to his master of progress and regress in the ever-escalating conflict between man and the awful armies of giant, flesh-devouring insects. But while Jant's duty is to remain neutral in the petty squabbles and power plays of the fifty who will neither age nor die naturally, bitter rivalries that have festered for centuries now threaten to incite a savage civil war. And Jant may be the only being alive capable of stemming the onrushing tide of destruction and the unstoppable insect infestation. For only he can gain entrance -- through extreme doses of the narcotic that owns his soul -- into a place of darkest wonders and revelations; a strange and horrific alternate reality that none but Jant Comet believes exists. A literary triumph of the first water -- bold, stylish, and breathtakingly original -- Steph Swainston's The Year of Our War ascends like a rocket to the upper reaches of the imagination and loudly heralds the arrival of a true modern master of the fantastic.

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  • "In a strange, surreal world populated by humans governed by fifty human immortals, Jant, the Messenger, the only one of the immortals who can fly, holds the key to stopping hordes of giant insects that have been plaguing the land for centuries, but only if he can control a secret addiction and overcome the machinations and rivalries of his fellow immortals."
  • "Jant est le Messager, il fait partie du Cercle, une assemblée de cinquante immortels au service de l'empereur, et c'est le seul capable de voler. L'empereur doit protéger le genre humain contre des insectes géants qui dévastent le pays depuis des siècles, mais il doit aussi faire face aux rivalités qui déchirent les immortels. Jant, ressent le besoin de s'évader et se drogue. Premier roman."
  • "Unique among his fellow immortals and mortal folk alike, Jant Comet can fly. His talent is a gift and a curse that has earned him a place in the Castle Circle as Messenger to the Emperor San -- soaring high and free above the bloody battlefields of his world, carrying word back to his master of progress and regress in the ever-escalating conflict between man and the awful armies of giant, flesh-devouring insects. But while Jant's duty is to remain neutral in the petty squabbles and power plays of the fifty who will neither age nor die naturally, bitter rivalries that have festered for centuries now threaten to incite a savage civil war. And Jant may be the only being alive capable of stemming the onrushing tide of destruction and the unstoppable insect infestation. For only he can gain entrance -- through extreme doses of the narcotic that owns his soul -- into a place of darkest wonders and revelations; a strange and horrific alternate reality that none but Jant Comet believes exists. A literary triumph of the first water -- bold, stylish, and breathtakingly original -- Steph Swainston's The Year of Our War ascends like a rocket to the upper reaches of the imagination and loudly heralds the arrival of a true modern master of the fantastic."@en

  • "Fiction"@en
  • "Science fiction"
  • "Anglické romány"
  • "Fantasy romány"
  • "Electronic books"
  • "Electronic books"@en
  • "War stories"
  • "Powieść fantastyczna angielska"@pl
  • "Fantasy novels"
  • "English fiction"
  • "Fantasy fiction"
  • "Fantasy fiction"@en
  • "Fiction"

  • "Krigets år"@sv
  • "El año de nuestra guerra"@es
  • "Rok naší války"
  • "Rok naszej wojny"@pl
  • "Rok naszej wojny. [T. 1]"@pl
  • "The Year of Our War"
  • "L'année de notre guerre"
  • "The year of our war"
  • "The year of our war"@en