WorldCat Linked Data Explorer

Noah's ark

Retells the Old Testament story of how Noah and his family built the ark and saved the animals from the Great Flood.

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  • "Retells the Old Testament story of how Noah and his family built the ark and saved the animals from the Great Flood."
  • "Retells the Old Testament story of how Noah and his family built the ark and saved the animals from the Great Flood."@en
  • ""The story of Noah's Ark, beautifully told in words and pictures the very youngest will understand."--Back cover."
  • "Bewerking van het bijbelverhaal in grote kleurige illustraties en een korte tekst. Vanaf ca. 4 jaar."

  • "Children's stories"@en
  • "Pictorial works"
  • "Fiction"@en
  • "Juvenile works"@en
  • "Juvenile works"
  • "Fiction"

  • "Noah's ark"@en
  • "Noah's ark"
  • "De ark van Noach"