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(Circular.) Treasury Department, July 20, 1792 Sir, it is with great satisfaction I have it in my power to acknowledge the zeal and good disposition, with which the officers of the Customs generally have executed the instructions which have, from time to time, proceeded from the Treasury Department

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  • "Electronic books"@en

  • "(Circular.) Treasury Department, July 20, 1792 Sir, it is with great satisfaction I have it in my power to acknowledge the zeal and good disposition, with which the officers of the Customs generally have executed the instructions which have, from time to time, proceeded from the Treasury Department"
  • "(Circular.) Treasury Department, July 20, 1792 Sir, it is with great satisfaction I have it in my power to acknowledge the zeal and good disposition, with which the officers of the Customs generally have executed the instructions which have, from time to time, proceeded from the Treasury Department"@en
  • "(Circular.) Treasury Department, July 20, 1792 : Sir, it is with great satisfaction I have it in my power to acknowledge the zeal and good disposition, with which the officers of the Customs generally have executed the instructions which have, from time to time, proceeded from the Treasury Department"
  • "(Circular.) Treasury Department, July 20, 1792. Sir, it is with great satisfaction I have it in my power to acknowledge the zeal and good disposition, with which the officers of the Customs generally have executed the instructions which have, from time to time, proceeded from the Treasury Department"@en