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A letter home

Using a refurbished 1947 Voice-O-Graph recording booth at Jack White's Third Man Nashville headquarters, Neil Young records a collection of covers that have a warm and primitive feel to them.

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  • "The CD release of Neil Young's vinyl album A Letter Home. Young recorded the collection of covers with White on a refurbished 1947 Voice-O-Graph recording booth at Third Man's Nashville headquarters. He describes the album as "an unheard collection of rediscovered songs from the past recorded on ancient electro-mechanical technology captures and unleashes the essence of something that could have been gone forever." The track listing includes songs that have personal meaning to Young, such as British folk artist Bert Jansch?s Needle of Death (which inspired Young to write 1972?s Needle and the Damage Done), Bob Dylan?s Girl from the North Country, Willie Nelson?s Crazy, Don Everly?s I Wonder If I Care as Much, Bruce Springsteen?s My Home Town, and many others."
  • "Using a refurbished 1947 Voice-O-Graph recording booth at Jack White's Third Man Nashville headquarters, Neil Young records a collection of covers that have a warm and primitive feel to them."@en
  • "Acoustic recordings of folksongs from the 1950s-1970s."@en
  • "The CD release of Neil Young's vinyl album A Letter Home. Young recorded the collection of covers with White on a refurbished 1947 Voice-O-Graph recording booth at Third Man's Nashville headquarters. He describes the album as "an unheard collection of rediscovered songs from the past recorded on ancient electro-mechanical technology captures and unleashes the essence of something that could have been gone forever." The track listing includes songs that have personal meaning to Young, such as British folk artist Bert Jansch's Needle of Death (which inspired Young to write 1972's Needle and the Damage Done), Bob Dylan's Girl from the North Country, Willie Nelson's Crazy, Don Everly's I Wonder If I Care as Much, Bruce Springsteen's My Home Town, and many others."

  • "folk"
  • "vokal"
  • "guitar"
  • "folk, country (musiques traditionnelles)"
  • "rock"

  • "A letter home"
  • "A letter home"@en
  • "A Letter Home"