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Unlocking the electric mobility potential of Toronto moving toward an electric mobility master plan for the city

The use of electric vehicles (EVs) and EV technologies can help to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and criteria air contaminants (CACs) from transportation when it displaces the combustion of gasoline and diesel--currently the dominant sources of energy used to power vehicles. In Ontario, the energy to power EVs can come from a variety of sources, including coal- and gas-fired power plants, nuclear power plants, large- and small-scale hydro power stations, wind turbines and solar photovoltaic panels. These sources of power energize the grid, to which EVs connect to draw energy. Therefore, the emissions associated with EV use vary according to the mix of power sources that supply the grid with electricity at any instant in time. Regardless of these variations, the scale of the potential reductions associated with EV use demands serious consideration of the role that EV technologies can play in supporting sustainable transportation strategies.

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  • "The use of electric vehicles (EVs) and EV technologies can help to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and criteria air contaminants (CACs) from transportation when it displaces the combustion of gasoline and diesel--currently the dominant sources of energy used to power vehicles. In Ontario, the energy to power EVs can come from a variety of sources, including coal- and gas-fired power plants, nuclear power plants, large- and small-scale hydro power stations, wind turbines and solar photovoltaic panels. These sources of power energize the grid, to which EVs connect to draw energy. Therefore, the emissions associated with EV use vary according to the mix of power sources that supply the grid with electricity at any instant in time. Regardless of these variations, the scale of the potential reductions associated with EV use demands serious consideration of the role that EV technologies can play in supporting sustainable transportation strategies."@en

  • "Electronic books"@en

  • "Unlocking the electric mobility potential of Toronto moving toward an electric mobility master plan for the city"@en