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Flash forward

When a physics experiment goes horribly wrong everyone in the world is left unconscious for two minutes while their minds journey 20 years forward in time to give them a glimpse of the future. Some discover that they don't exist in 20 years, others find that their lives have taken a wrong turn. When the entire world wakes from unconciousness they discover that the suddenness of the sleep has left many people dead or injured, and that they must try to rebuild their lives while knowing what the future holds.

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  • "When a physics experiment goes horribly wrong everyone in the world is left unconscious for two minutes while their minds journey 20 years forward in time to give them a glimpse of the future. Some discover that they don't exist in 20 years, others find that their lives have taken a wrong turn. When the entire world wakes from unconciousness they discover that the suddenness of the sleep has left many people dead or injured, and that they must try to rebuild their lives while knowing what the future holds."
  • "When a physics experiment goes horribly wrong everyone in the world is left unconscious for two minutes while their minds journey 20 years forward in time to give them a glimpse of the future. Some discover that they don't exist in 20 years, others find that their lives have taken a wrong turn. When the entire world wakes from unconciousness they discover that the suddenness of the sleep has left many people dead or injured, and that they must try to rebuild their lives while knowing what the future holds."@en
  • "When a physics experiment goes horribly wrong everyone in the world is left unconscious for two minutes while their minds journey 20 years forward in time to give them a glimpse of the future. Some discover that they don't exist in 20 years, others find that their lives have taken a wrong turn. When the entire world wakes from unconsciousness they discover that the suddenness of the sleep has left many people dead or injured, and that they must try to rebuild their lives while knowing what the future holds."@en
  • "When a physics experiment goes horribly wrong everyone in the world is left unconscious for two minutes while their minds journey 20 years forward in time to give them a glimpse of the future. Some discover that they don't exist in 20 years, others find that their lives have taken a wrong turn. When the entire world wakes from unconsciousness they discover that the suddenness of the sleep has left many people dead or injured, and that they must try to rebuild their lives while knowing what the future holds."
  • "A science experiment goes wrong, giving everyone a glimpse of the future. One man learns a rival will steal his wife, another that he will win a lottery, a third that he will be murdered and has 20 years to find the killer. A look at the repercussions of knowing the future."@en
  • "PLAYAWAY. A scientific experiment begins, and as the button is pressed, the unexpected occurs: everyone in the world goes to sleep for a few moments while everyone's consciousness is catapulted more than twenty years into the future. At the end of those moments, when the world reawakens, all human life is transformed by foreknowledge. Was that shocking revelation a peek at the real, unalterable future, or was it only one of many possible futures? What happens when a man tries to change it, like the doctor who has twenty years to try to prevent his own murder? How will the foreknowledge of a part of "then" affect the experience of the "now"?"
  • "A scientific experiment begins, and as the button is pressed, the unexpected occurs: everyone in the world goes to sleep for a few moments while everyone's consciousness is catapulted more than twenty years into the future. At the end of those moments, when the world reawakens, all human life is transformed by foreknowledge."@en

  • "Fiction"@en
  • "Fiction"
  • "Canadian fiction"@en
  • "Science fiction, Canadian"@en
  • "Audiobooks"
  • "Audiobooks"@en
  • "Downloadable audio books"@en
  • "Science fiction"@en
  • "Science fiction"

  • "Flash forward"
  • "Flash forward"@en
  • "Flashforward"@en