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Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hasard Casting the dice once never will abolish chance : multimedia presentation

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  • "Casting the dice once never will abolish chance"

  • "An interactive multimedia presentation of Mallarme's last great poem Un Coup de des jamais n'abolira le hasard (Casting the dice once never will abolish chance), which recreates, in 2000, the radicalism of Mallarme's extraordinary use of type and layout in 1897, allowing access to entirely new experiences of this enduring masterpiece."
  • "Mallarme's last poem is a founding work of European modernism. The CD-ROM offers text and English translation, contemporary lithographs and music, together with readings."

  • "Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hasard Casting the dice once never will abolish chance : multimedia presentation"
  • "Un coup de des jamais n'abolira le hasard Casting the dice once never will abolish chance"