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Love, the ultimate affirmation

Buscaglia lectures on love, emphasizing "us" and "we" instead of "I" and "me."

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  • "Love, the ultimate affirmation"@en

  • "Leo Buscaglia talks with a large audience about what he feels are the essentials for eliminating loneliness, moving from I and me to us and we. Learning about others, experiencing pain and learning through it, taking time to talk and share, and maintaining one's own sense of separateness are among the themes he presents."
  • "Buscaglia lectures on love, emphasizing "us" and "we" instead of "I" and "me.""@en
  • "A self-help program on seeking happiness and fulfillment in loving relationships led by Dr. Leo Buscaglia."
  • "A speech given by Leo Buscaglia in which he discusses the joy of working to make others happy and the need to form loving relationships."@en
  • "A speech by Leo Buscaglia in which he discusses the need to form loving relationships, to discover the joy of working to make others happy, to share yourself with others, and to seek people in your life who laugh, love and enjoy."@en
  • "Lecture on love and loving relationships."@en
  • "A speech by Leo Buscaglia in which he discusses the joy of working to make others happy and the need to form loving relationships."@en

  • "Love, the ultimate affirmation"@en
  • "Love, the ultimate affirmation"
  • "Love: the ultimate affirmation"@en
  • "LOVE the ultimate affirmation: a Leo Buscaglia special"
  • "Love the ultimate affirmation"@en