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Jiang hu qing = Rich & famous

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  • "Rich & famous"
  • "Jiang hu qing"
  • "Rich and famous"

  • "Wanting to escape poverty, two childhood friends engage in underworld activities and become right-hand men for the big boss. Unsatisfied and power hungry, one becomes a spy for a rival gang. Major gang war breaks out and the once friendship is destroyed."
  • "Wanting to escape poverty, two childhood friends engage in underworld activities and become right-hand men for the big boss. Unsatisfied and power hungry, one becomes a spy for a rival gang. Major gang war breaks out and the once friendship is destroyed."
  • ""定國與家勇兄妹一同長大,因家境貧困, 家勇養成好賭習性,惠珠淪為舞女. 一次,家勇在外圍狗擋出術被痛打並要賠償損失,走投無路下,與老友麥英雄同謀欲往劫英雄老闆朱老大的走私黃金,因而闖下大禍遭朱老大追殺,惠珠被捉,定國挺身而出救珠,幸得李阿劑相助並收為手下. 後家勇因失勢懷恨在心,欲投靠朱老大,兄弟反目,江湖再起風波......"--碟盒."

  • "Jiang hu qing = Rich & famous"
  • "Jiang hu qing Rich and famous"
  • "江湖情 = Rich & famous"
  • "江湖情 Rich & famous"
  • "Jiang hu qing Rich & famous"
  • "江湖情 Rich and famous"