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The blade and the passion : a sprawling historical romance

Les Dawson is at his funniest in this, his last book, which he described as: 'A record of an era so lusty and physical that it makes the reader want to wear a truss.' Within these pages the devoted reader will find the real Quasimodo ('a dwarf whose sword was so swift it could sever a trout's eyebrows in mid-gulp'); Florence the whore ('reeking of mystery and an old singlet'); your heart will bleed for poor Walter the Moron who was left by his mother on so many doorsteps that he went through life calling a yoghurt pot 'Dad'. All of history's pageantry and many famous figures await your perusa.

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  • "Les Dawson is at his funniest in this, his last book, which he described as: 'A record of an era so lusty and physical that it makes the reader want to wear a truss.' Within these pages the devoted reader will find the real Quasimodo ('a dwarf whose sword was so swift it could sever a trout's eyebrows in mid-gulp'); Florence the whore ('reeking of mystery and an old singlet'); your heart will bleed for poor Walter the Moron who was left by his mother on so many doorsteps that he went through life calling a yoghurt pot 'Dad'. All of history's pageantry and many famous figures await your perusa."@en

  • "Humor"@en
  • "Electronic books"@en

  • "The blade and the passion : a sprawling historical romance"@en
  • "The Blade and the Passion"@en
  • "Blade and the passion"@en
  • "The blade and the passion"@en
  • "The blade and the passion : a sprawling historical romance"