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Richard Rahl continues the search for his wife Kahlan Amnell after the Chainfire spell makes everyone else forget her. He becomes persuaded of the importance of fighting against the Imperial Order.

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  • "Призрак"
  • "Desi︠a︡toe pravilo volshebnika"
  • "Prizrak"
  • "Десятое правило волшебника"
  • "Phantom"@it

  • "Richard Rahl continues the search for his wife Kahlan Amnell after the Chainfire spell makes everyone else forget her. He becomes persuaded of the importance of fighting against the Imperial Order."@en
  • "Richard Rahl continues the search for his wife Kahlan Amnell after the Chainfire spell makes everyone else forget her. He becomes persuaded of the importance of fighting against the Imperial Order."
  • "On the day she awoke remembering nothing but her name, Kahlan Amnell became the most dangerous woman alive. For everyone else, that was the day that the world began to end. As her husband, Richard, desperately searches for his beloved, whom only he remembers, he knows that if she doesn't soon discover who she really is, she will unwittlingly become the instrument that will unleash annihilation. But Kahlan learns that if she ever were to unlock the truth of her lost identity, then evil itself would finally possess her, body and soul. If she is to survive in this world of deception, she must discover why she is such a central figure in it. What she will uncover are secrets darker than she could ever have imagined..."
  • "Kahlan is ontvoerd door de Zusters van de Duisternis; meestertovenaar Richard is naar haar op zoek, maar moet tevens zijn mensen verdedigen tegen keizer Jagang, wiens fanatieke volgelingen zijn leer te vuur en te zwaard proberen te verspreiden."
  • "On the day she awoke remembering nothing but her name, Kahlan Amnell became the most dangerous woman alive. For everyone else, that was the day that the world began to end. As her husband, Richard, desperately searches for his beloved, whom only he remembers, he knows that if she doesn't soon discover who she really is, she will unwittingly become the instrument that will unleash annihilation. But Kahlan learns that if she ever were to unlock the truth of her lost identity, then evil itself would finally possess her, body and soul. If she is to survive in a murky world of deception and betrayal, where life is not only cheap but fleeting, Kahlan must find out why she is such a central figure in the war-torn world swirling around her. What she uncovers are secrets darker than she could ever have imagined."
  • "Richard desperately searches for his wife, Kahlan Amnell, who has forgotten everything but her name and is about to unwittingly become an instrument of annihilation."@en
  • "Richard desperately searches for his long-lost, amnesiac beloved, Kahlan Amnell, racing to find her before she can uncover the secrets of her lost identity, thereby making her vulnerable to evil."@en
  • "Richard desperately searches for his long-lost, amnesiac beloved, Kahlan Amnell, racing to find her before she can uncover the secrets of her lost identity, thereby making her vulnerable to evil."
  • "Richard desperately searches for his long-lost, amnesiac beloved, Kahlan Amnell, racing against time to find her before she can uncover the secrets of her lost identity, thereby making her vulnerable to evil."
  • "Richard desperately searches for his long-lost, amnesiac beloved, Kahlan Amnell, racing against time to find her before she can uncover the secrets of her lost identity, thereby making her vulnerable to evil."@en
  • "Depuis qu'elle a tout oublié de sa vie et de son identité, Kahlan est devenue la femme la plus dangereuse de l'univers. Pour tous ceux qui ne se souviennent plus d'elle, la fin du monde a déjà commencé. Seul contre tous, Richard garde en mémoire la femme qu'il aime et refuse de capituler face à une extraordinaire machination."
  • "On the day shw awoke remembering nothing but her name, Kahlan Amnell became the most dangerous woman alive. For everyone else, that was the day that the world began to end."@en

  • "Fiction"
  • "Fiction"@en
  • "Fantasy"@en
  • "Electronic books"@en
  • "Powieść fantastyczna amerykańska"
  • "Fantasy fiction"@en
  • "Fantasy fiction"
  • "Roman fantastique"

  • "Fantasma : romanzo"@it
  • "Fantom"@pl
  • "Fantom"@hu
  • "Desi︠a︡toe pravilo volshebnika, ili, Prizrak"
  • "La bruja del viejo mundo"@es
  • "Le fantôme du souvenir"
  • "Десятое правило волшебника, или, Призрак"
  • "La Biblioteca secreta"
  • "La Bruja del viejo mundo"
  • "Phantom"
  • "Phantom"@en
  • "Fantoom : de tiende wet van de magie"
  • "La biblioteca secreta"@es
  • "Fantasma : romanzo"