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The architecture of happiness

Bestselling author Alain de Botton has written about love, travel, status and how philosophy can console us. Now he turns his attention to one of our most intense but often hidden love affairs: with our houses and their furnishing. He asks:What makes a house beautiful? Why are so many new houses ugly? Why do we argue so bitterly about sofas and pictures - and can differences of taste ever be satisfactorily resolved?Will minimalism make us happier than ornaments? To answer these questions and many more, de Botton looks at building across the world, from medieval wooden huts to modern skyscrapers; he examines sofas and cathedrals, tea sets and office complexes, and teases out a host of often surprising philosophical insights. The Architecture of Happiness will take you on a beguiling tour through the history and psychology of architecture and interior design, and will for ever alter your relationship with buildings.

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  • "Tajné umění zařídit si život"
  • "Arquitectura de la felicidad"
  • "Architecture of happiness"@it
  • "Architecture of happiness"

  • "De Botton looks at buildings across the world, from medieval wooden huts to modern skyscrapers; he examines sofas and cathedrals, tea sets and office complexes, and teases out a host of often surprising philosophical insights."
  • "Bestselling author, Alain de Botton has written about love, travel, status and how philosophy can console us. Now, he turns his attention to one of our most intense but often hidden love affairs: with our houses and their furnishings. He asks: What makes a house truly beautiful? Why are many new houses so ugly? Why do we argue so bitterly about sofas and pictures - and can differences of taste ever be satisfactorily resolved? Will minimalism make us happier than ornaments? To answer these questions and many more, de Botton looks at buildings across the world, from medieval wooden huts to modern skyscrapers; he examines sofas and cathedrals, tea sets and office complexes, and teases out a host of often surprising philosophical insights."
  • "Auf der Fährte seiner Bestseller >>Trost der Philosophie<< und >>Kunst des Reisens<< widmet sich Alain de Botton in seinem neuen Buch dem verborgenen Zusammenspiel von Architektur und Glück. Er reist zu den Meisterwerken der Architektur, zu den großen Villen von Palladio und den Wohntürmen von Corbusier. Geleitet wird er von der Frage, dem jeden Hausbau, Wohnungswechsel und Ikea-Besuch vorausgehen sollten: welches Haus passt zu mir? Wie viel Farbe mag ich, wie viel Licht brauche ich, soll der Spiegel wirklich so groß sein? Nur solange die Proportionen des Außenraums mit den Proportionen unseres Innenlebens übereinstimmen, wird die Architektur uns glücklich machen. - Schöner leben statt schöner wohnen!"
  • ""The Achitecture of Happiness is a dazzling and generously illustrated journey through the philosophy and psychology of architecture and the indelible connection between our identities and our locations. One of the great but often unmentioned causes of both happiness and misery is the quality of our environment: the kinds of walls, chairs, buildings, and streets that surround us. And yet a concern for architecture is too often described as frivolous, even self-indulgent. Alain de Botton starts from the idea that where we are heavily influences who we can be, and argues that it is architecture's task to stand as an eloquent reminder of our full potential."--Publisher's website."
  • "Bestselling author Alain de Botton has written about love, travel, status and how philosophy can console us. Now he turns his attention to one of our most intense but often hidden love affairs: with our houses and their furnishing. He asks:What makes a house beautiful? Why are so many new houses ugly? Why do we argue so bitterly about sofas and pictures - and can differences of taste ever be satisfactorily resolved?Will minimalism make us happier than ornaments? To answer these questions and many more, de Botton looks at building across the world, from medieval wooden huts to modern skyscrapers; he examines sofas and cathedrals, tea sets and office complexes, and teases out a host of often surprising philosophical insights. The Architecture of Happiness will take you on a beguiling tour through the history and psychology of architecture and interior design, and will for ever alter your relationship with buildings."@en
  • "Bestselling author Alain de Botton has written about love, travel, status and how philosophy can console us. Now he turns his attention to one of our most intense but often hidden love affairs: with our houses and their furnishing. He asks:What makes a house beautiful? Why are so many new houses ugly? Why do we argue so bitterly about sofas and pictures - and can differences of taste ever be satisfactorily resolved?Will minimalism make us happier than ornaments? To answer these questions and many more, de Botton looks at building across the world, from medieval wooden huts to modern skyscrapers; he examines sofas and cathedrals, tea sets and office complexes, and teases out a host of often surprising philosophical insights. The Architecture of Happiness will take you on a beguiling tour through the history and psychology of architecture and interior design, and will for ever alter your relationship with buildings."
  • "Beschouwingen over de relatie tussen het welbevinden van de mens en zijn omgeving (de architectuur) vanuit kunsthistorisch perspectief."
  • "Segundo o filósofo Alain de Botton, as pessoas são profundamente influenciadas pela arquitetura à sua volta, seja a do lar, a do ambiente de trabalho ou mesmo a das ruas. O estilo e a aparência de cada construção afeta, de alguma maneira, o humor, a sensibilidade e até a personalidade dos seres humanos. Em seu novo livro, "A arquitetura da felicidade", o autor nos convida a abrir os olhos para essa curiosa relação, raramente percebida. De Botton acredita que o ambiente afeta as pessoas de tal modo que não seria exagero dizer que a arquitetura é capaz de estragar ou melhorar a vida afetiva ou profissional de alguém. Mas que não se pense que a solução dos nossos problemas está nas mãos dos arquitetos e decoradores. Para o autor, a arquitetura será sempre um protesto contra um estado de coisas. Se ficarmos felizes em ver a luz matinal sobre uma certa parede de gesso ou uma perfeita carreira de tábuas de assoalho, é porque essas pequenas cenas de beleza frágil contrastam com seu pano de fundo sombrio: os problemas cotidianos. Uma das teses de Alain de Botton é a de que o que buscamos numa obra de arquitetura não está tão longe do que procuramos num amigo. Ao construir uma casa ou decorar um cômodo, as pessoas querem mostrar quem são, lembrar de si próprias e ter sempre em mente como elas poderiam idealmente ser. O lar, portanto, não é um refúgio apenas físico, mas também psicológico, o guardião da identidade de seus habitantes. Seguindo esse raciocínio, o autor conclui que quando alguém acha bonita determinada construção, é porque a arquitetura reflete os valores de quem a elogia. Afinal de contas, uma simples fachada pode ser acolhedora ou ameaçadora, humilde ou esnobe, aristocrática ou religiosa, pode relembrar o passado ou apontar para o futuro. Pode até mesmo expor as idéias de um governo. Cada obra de arquitetura expõe uma visão de felicidade."
  • "A study of architecture examines how we both shape and are shaped by our private homes and public edifices and explains how our stylistic choices can be used to increase our chances of happiness."@en
  • "A study of architecture examines how we both shape and are shaped by our private homes and public edifices and explains how our stylistic choices can be used to increase our chances of happiness."
  • "Takes the reader on a tour through the history and psychology of architecture and interior design. Looking at buildings across the world, from medieval wooden huts to modern skyscrapers, this title examines sofas and cathedrals, tea sets and office complexes, as well as offering philosophical insights."
  • "Takes the reader on a tour through the history and psychology of architecture and interior design. Looking at buildings across the world, from medieval wooden huts to modern skyscrapers, this title examines sofas and cathedrals, tea sets and office complexes, as well as offering philosophical insights."@en
  • "What makes a house truly beautiful? Why are many new houses so ugly? Why do we argue so bitterly about sofas and pictures - and can differences of taste ever be satisfactorily resolved? To answer these questions and many more, de Botton looks at buildings across the world, from medieval wooden huts to modern skyscrapers; he examines sofas and cathedrals, tea sets and office complexes, and teases out a host of often surprising philosophical insights. The Architecture of Happiness will take you on a beguiling tour through the history and psychology of architecture and interior design, and will change the way you look at your home."@en
  • "The Achitecture of Happiness is a dazzling and generously illustrated journey through the philosophy and psychology of architecture and the indelible connection between our identities and our locations.One of the great but often unmentioned causes of both happiness and misery is the quality of our environment: the kinds of walls, chairs, buildings, and streets that surround us. And yet a concern for architecture is too often described as frivolous, even self-indulgent. Alain de Botton starts from the idea that where we are heavily influences who we can be, and argues that it is architecture's task to stand as an eloquent reminder of our full potential.From the Trade Paperback edition."@en

  • "Spanish language materials"
  • "Electronic books"@en
  • "Electronic books"
  • "Materiales en español"
  • "History"
  • "Essays"
  • "Electronic books (Kindle)"
  • "Eseje"

  • "The Architecture of happiness"
  • "The architecture of happiness : [the secret art of furnishing your life]"
  • "Xing fu jian zhu"
  • "De architectuur van het geluk"
  • "Haengbok ŭi kŏnch'uk"
  • "A arquitetura da felicidade. [1, A importância da arquitetura]"
  • "Architektura štěstí : tajné umění zařídit si život"
  • "The architecture of happiness"
  • "The architecture of happiness"@en
  • "Xing fu jian zhu = The architecture of happiness"
  • "Architecture of happiness"
  • "L'architecture de bonheur"@en
  • "Architektura szczęścia"@pl
  • "Architektura szczęścia"
  • "La arquitectura de la felicidad"@es
  • "La arquitectura de la felicidad"
  • "幸福的建筑"
  • "Xing fu de jian zhu"
  • "Lykkens arkitektur"@da
  • "La Arquitectura de la felicidad"
  • "幸福建築 = The architecture of happiness"
  • "Glück und Architektur : von der Kunst, daheim zu Hause zu sein"
  • "L'architecture du bonheur"
  • "Lyckans arkitektur"@sv
  • "The architecture of happiness : [the secret of furnishing your life]"
  • "행복의건축"
  • "幸福建築"
  • "A arquitetura da felicidade"@pt
  • "A arquitetura da felicidade"
  • "The Architecture of Happiness"@en
  • "Architettura e felicità"@it
  • "Architettura e felicità"