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Livermore's trustees' handbook; a manual for the use of trustees, executors, administrators, assignees for the benefit of creditors, receivers, guardians, and committees of lunatics, idiots, and habitual drunkards

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  • "Trustees' handbook"@en
  • "Livermore's trustees' handbook for executors, administrators, assignees, etc"@en

  • "Livermore's trustees' handbook; a manual for the use of trustees, executors, administrators, assignees for the benefit of creditors, receivers, guardians, and committees of lunatics, idiots, and habitual drunkards"@en
  • "Livermore's Trustees' handbook a manual for the use of trustees, executors, administrators, assignees for the benefit of creditors, receivers, guardians, and committees of lunatics, idiots, and habitual drunkards"@en
  • "Livermore's trustees' handbook : a manual for the use of trustees, executors, administrators, assignees for the benefit of creditors, receivers, guardians, and committees of lunatics, idiots, and habitual drunkards"@en