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The witch world series

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  • "Lieutenant-Colonel Simon Tregarth was a man at the end of his rope. He had been unjustly cashiered from the service of his country for black market dealings that he had never engaged in. Then he had in reality been forced into that shadowy underground world when no one else would have him. But, he was a cut above the men that he had to deal with- and this inevitably made him enemies. In fact, he had eaten his final meal and resigned himself to meet the assassins that shadowed him. Time spent in combat and in prison had led him to look deeper inside himself than most men ever do - or perhaps should. He was ready to end this travesty of an existence one way or another. It was then that the infamous Dr. Jorge Petronius introduced himself.... The good doctor told Tregarth of the legend of the Siege Perilous- the seat that could judge a man, determine his true worth, and deliver him to his fate. In legend, only Percival and Galahad had ever escaped the judging unscathed. Now it was Simon's turn- and he was far from a pure knight. The world to which he found himself transported was far from a paradise. It was an ancient world truly ruled by sword and sorcery. Simon already knew how to live by the sword. In the service of the Women of Power of ancient Estcarp he came to know of sorcery. For that mysterious extra sense that had kept him alive for so long was the faint stirring of the Power. Here in this world it would thrive. Indeed, it would prove both his personal redemption and that of dieing Estcarp, for before his arrival none but women possessed the Gift. --Oakshaman at"
  • "Witch world : 1."

  • "Fantasy fiction"
  • "Fantasy fiction"@en
  • "Fiction"
  • "Fiction"@en

  • "The witch world series"@en
  • "The witch world novels of Andre Norton 1 Witch world"
  • "Witch World"
  • "Witch World"@en
  • "Il mondo delle streghe"
  • "Il mondo delle streghe"@it
  • "The witch world novels of Andre Norton"
  • "Witch world"@en
  • "Witch world"
  • "The Witch World novels of Andre Norton"@en