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The art of forgetting

"Remind yourself what really matters with The Art of Forgetting. Fast-paced, painful, funny, and renewing at once. . . . Take a cue from the book and pass it along to your buds. " 'Daily Candy Marissa Rogers has always been just fine as a beta. After all, hadn't taking charge without taking credit been paying off' It's what vaulted her to senior editor at a glossy'if somewhat tedious'diet magazine and let her be best friends with gorgeous, charismatic, absolutely alpha Julia Ferrar. And then Julia is hit by a cab. Her external injuries are minor, but brain damage steals her memory and alters her personality. To help her friend, Marissa must assume the alpha role and help Julia recover her past. As Julia heals, she begins dredging up memories Marissa would rather forget'including the fact that Julia once asked her to abandon the love of her life.

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  • ""Remind yourself what really matters with The Art of Forgetting. Fast-paced, painful, funny, and renewing at once. . . . Take a cue from the book and pass it along to your buds. " 'Daily Candy Marissa Rogers has always been just fine as a beta. After all, hadn't taking charge without taking credit been paying off' It's what vaulted her to senior editor at a glossy'if somewhat tedious'diet magazine and let her be best friends with gorgeous, charismatic, absolutely alpha Julia Ferrar. And then Julia is hit by a cab. Her external injuries are minor, but brain damage steals her memory and alters her personality. To help her friend, Marissa must assume the alpha role and help Julia recover her past. As Julia heals, she begins dredging up memories Marissa would rather forget'including the fact that Julia once asked her to abandon the love of her life."@en
  • "De hechte vriendschap tussen twee hartsvriendinnen wordt op de proef gesteld nadat een van hen bij een ongeval hersenletsel heeft opgelopen."
  • "A moving and insightful debut novel of great friendship interrupted, "The Art of Forgetting" is a story about the power of friendship, the memories and myths that hold us back, and the delicate balance between forgiving and forgetting."
  • "Marissa Rogers never wanted to be an alpha; beta suited her just fine. Taking charge without taking credit had always paid off: vaulting her to senior editor at a glossy magazine; keeping the peace with her critical, weight-obsessed mother; and enjoying the benefits of being best friends with gorgeous, charismatic, absolutely alpha Julia Ferrar. When Julia gets hit by a cab, she survives with minor obvious injuries, but brain damage steals her memory and alters her personality, possibly forever. As Julia struggles to regain her memory, Marissa's own equilibrium is shaken. This is a story about the power of friendship, the memories and myths that hold us back, and the delicate balance between forgiving and forgetting."
  • "Marissa Rogers never wanted to be an alpha; beta suited her just fine. Taking charge without taking credit had always paid off: vaulting her to senior editor at a glossy magazine; keeping the peace with her critical, weight-obsessed mother; and enjoying the benefits of being best friends with gorgeous, charismatic, absolutely alpha Julia Ferrar. When Julia gets hit by a cab, she survives with minor obvious injuries, but brain damage steals her memory and alters her personality, possibly forever. As Julia struggles to regain her memory, Marissa's own equilibrium is shaken. This is a story about the power of friendship, the memories and myths that hold us back, and the delicate balance between forgiving and forgetting."@en

  • "Psychological fiction"@en
  • "Psychological fiction"
  • "Electronic books"@en
  • "Fiction"@en
  • "Fiction"

  • "The art of forgetting"@en
  • "The art of forgetting"
  • "Gülümse anılara"
  • "The art of forgetting a novel"@en
  • "Julia & ik"