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Smudge the Stolen Kitten

Olivia is very protective over her lovely new kitten, Smudge. But when her big brother's naughty friend Jack comes to tea, she worries that he'll tease Smudge. Olivia hides the little kitten away, but later that night she is nowhere to be found. Could Smudge's disappearance have anything to do with Jack?

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  • "Maszat az elrabolt kiscica"
  • "Smudge the stolen kitten"@pl

  • "Olivia is very protective over her lovely new kitten, Smudge. But when her big brother's naughty friend Jack comes to tea, she worries that he'll tease Smudge. Olivia hides the little kitten away, but later that night she is nowhere to be found. Could Smudge's disappearance have anything to do with Jack?"@en
  • "Olivia is delighted when her family adopt a beautiful little kitten. She can't wait to show Smudge off to her friends, and neither can her older brother Ben. When Ben invites his naughty friend Rob round for tea, Olivia is worried that the two boys will upset Smudge. Her fears come true when later that evening the kitten is nowhere to be found. Could Rob have anything to do with Smudge's disappearance - and where is the helpless kitten now? From the best-selling author Holly Webb comes another heart-warming animal story."@en

  • "Anglické příběhy"
  • "Juvenile works"@en
  • "Juvenile works"
  • "Fiction"@en
  • "Fiction"
  • "Children's stories"
  • "English stories"
  • "Electronic books"@en
  • "Children's literature"
  • "Powieść angielska dla młodzieży"@pl
  • "Publikace pro děti"

  • "Smudge the Stolen Kitten"@en
  • "Maszat, az elrabolt kiscica"
  • "Smudge the stolen Kitten"@en
  • "Ktoś ukradł Prążka!"
  • "Ktoś ukradł Prążka!"@pl
  • "Smudge the stolen kitten"
  • "Smudge the stolen kitten"@en
  • "Šmudla se ztratil"