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Cabaret singer and prostitute Lola wants out. She attempts to elevate herself by pitting two powerful men against one another.

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  • "BRD trilogie : Lola"
  • "Lola <film ; 1981&gt"@it
  • "Lola BRD3"
  • "Lola"
  • "Rainer Werner Fassbinder's Lola"
  • "Fassbinder-Edition"
  • "Cinéfiles classique"
  • "Rainer Werner Fassbinder: Filmemacher"

  • "When an upright new commissioner arrives in a small town, Lola, a cabaret singer and mistress of a corrupt official, sets out to seducehim in order to gain power over him for her boyfriend and a respectable marriage for herself."
  • "Negli anni Cinquanta Lola, amante di un boss dell'edilizia, seduce l'assessore all'urbanistica che vorrebbe stroncare la corruzione. (Mereghetti)."@it
  • "Negli anni Cinquanta Lola, amante di un boss dell'edilizia, seduce l'assessore all'urbanistica che vorrebbe stroncare la corruzione. (Mereghetti)."
  • "Drama, spelend in de jaren vijftig, over de strijd tussen een ambtenaar van woningzaken en een corrupte aannemer."
  • "Part of Rainer Werner Fassbinder's The Entire History of the German Federal Republic trilogy. Lola, a seductive cabaret singer and dancer in the 1950s, is romantically involved with Von Bohm, a morally upright building inspector. Recently appointed Building Commissioner, Von Bohm is committed to eradicating corruption. Consequently, he's given quite a shock when he is called into inspect the brothel where Lola works and discovers her there. With that, Von Bohm is left to question whether he is more loyal to the woman he loves so passionately or the career he believes in so strongly. The other entries in the trilogy are Veronika Voss and The Marriage of Maria Braun."
  • "Germany in the autumn of 1957. Lola (Sukowa), a seductive cabaret singer and prostitute, exults in her power as a temptress of men, but she wants out - she wants money, property and love. Pitting a corrupt building contractor (Adorf) against the new straight-arrow building commissioner (Mueller-Stahl), Lola launches an outrageous plan to elevate herself in a world where everything, and everyone, is for sale."
  • "When an upright new commissioner arrives in a small town, Lola, a cabaret singer and mistress of a corrupt official, sets out to seduce him in order to gain power over him for her boyfriend and a respectable marriage for herself."
  • "Siamo nella Germania Federale, negli anni cinquanta, gli anni di Adenauer, della ricostruzione, che si realizza, secondo il regista, nella più sconcia corruzione sociale e politica. Centro d'attrazione nella vicenda del film è il bordello di una cittadina di provincia, ove s'incontrano e si scontrano i personaggi di una degradata società, che vive solo di vizi, di intrallazzi e di sfacciati profitti. Questo bordello, secondo Fassbinder, è l'emblema della Germania anni cinquanta. Protagonisti corrotti e corruttori sono il costruttore Schuckert, un brutale speculatore, proprietario del bordello e la sua amica Lola, prostituta e cantante. Fanno corona i notabili della cittadina, profittatori e vittime della stessa corruzione. La facciata è quella ipocrita del perbenismo borghese. Ma un giorno giunge in città il nuovo assessore all'urbanistica, il quale è tutto dedito al dovere e sembra incorruttibile. Difatti i primi segni di moralizzazione si manifestano. Schuckert e compagni corrono ai ripari e la loro salvezza sarà Lola, della quale lo scapolo assessore si innamora perdutamente fino a sposarla. Così si lega anch'egli alla masnada di Schuckert, che continua nei suoi loschi affari e si conserva Lola per amante."@it
  • "Cabaret singer and prostitute Lola wants out. She attempts to elevate herself by pitting two powerful men against one another."@en
  • "Siamo nella Germania Federale, negli anni cinquanta, gli anni di Adenauer, della ricostruzione, che si realizza, secondo il regista, nella più sconcia corruzione sociale e politica. Centro d'attrazione nella vicenda del film è il bordello di una cittadina di provincia, ove s'incontrano e si scontrano i personaggi di una degradata società, che vive solo di vizi, di intrallazzi e di sfacciati profitti. Questo bordello, secondo Fassbinder, è l'emblema della Germania anni cinquanta. Protagonisti corrotti e corruttori sono il costruttore Schuckert, un brutale speculatore, proprietario del bordello e la sua amica Lola, prostituta e cantante. Fanno corona i notabili della cittadina, profittatori e vittime della stessa corruzione..."@it
  • "When an upright new commissioner arrives in a small town, Lola, a cabaret singer and prostitute, sets out to seduce him in order to gain power over him for her boyfriend and a respectable marriage for herself."
  • "Von Bohm, nouveau chef du service de la construction, arrive à Coburg, petite ville du nord de la Bavière. Nous sommes en 1957, en pleine reconstruction. L'homme, intègre, consciencieux, un peu vieillot, ne tarde pas à comprendre que la ville est aux mains de l'entrepreneur sans scrupule Schukert qui s'arroge, en corrompant les élus, les contrats de chantiers. Entre l'homme intègre et l'entrepreneur "rapace", il y a Lola, prostituée, maîtresse de Schukert et amoureuse des bonnes manières de Von Bohm. L'affrontement du fonctionnaire et de l'homme d'affaires sera subtilement administré par Lola dont l'intelligence et le bon sens dépassent de loin les intrigues des hommes. Avec Barbara Sukowa, Armin Mueller-Stahl, Mario Adorf."
  • "When an upright new commissioner arrives in a small town, Lola, a cabaret singer and mistress of a corrupt official, sets out to seduce him in order to gain power over him for her boyfriend and a respectable marriage for herself."
  • "Lola, a seductive cabaret singer and dancer in the 1950s, is romantically involved with Von Bohm, a morally upright building inspector. Recently appointed Building Commissioner, Von Bohm is committed to eradicating corruption. Consequently, he's given quite a shock when he is called into inspect the brothel where Lola works and discovers her dancing there. With that, Von Bohm is left to question whether he is more loyal to the woman he loves so passionately or the career he believes in so strongly."
  • "Von Bohm, nouveau chef du service de la construction, arrive à Coburg, petite ville du nord de la Bavière. Nous sommes en 1957, en pleine reconstruction. L'homme, intègre, consciencieux, un peu vieillot, ne tarde pas à comprendre que la ville est aux mains de l'entrepreneur sans scrupule Schukert qui s'arroge, en corrompant les élus, les contrats de chantiers. Entre l'homme intègre et l'entrepreneur "rapace", il y a Lola, prostituée, maîtresse de Schukert et amoureuse des bonnes manières de Von Bohm. L'affrontement du fonctionnaire et de l'homme d'affaires sera subtilement administré par Lola dont l'intelligence et le bon sens dépassent de loin les intrigues des hommes."
  • "Fassbinder updated The Blue Angel to Bavaria in the 1950s with a nightclub hostess seducing a pillar of the community - the building commissioner - with intent. She is 'owned' by a sleazy building profiteer busily accruing credit amidst the corruption of reconstruction in Adenauer's Germany. "The prostitution metaphors come undiluted from early Godard, the poster-art visuals from the magnificent melodramas of Sirk and Minnelli, the provocations are all Fassbinder's own" (Paul Taylor)."
  • "Set in a German provincial town during the 'economic miracle' of the '50s, the seductive Lola is the star attraction of the nightclub in which she works. But, ever ambitious, she spots an opportunity to improve her social position in the form of straight-laced new buildings commissioner von Bohm. Presenting her most demure persona, she manipulates von Bohm into a chaste courtship, but finds that outrunning her past is more difficult than she ever imagined."
  • "This variation of Josef von Sternberg's The Blue Angel, set in the Bavaria of the 1950s, tells the story of a nightclub hostess who seduces a pillar of the local community. However, this is more than simply an exposé of small-town hypocrisy and double standards: Fasbinder makes it abundantly clear that his target is the moral shabbiness of the Adenauer period as a whole, and ruthlessly lays bare the dubious foundations of the entire, much vaunted, "German economic miracle"."
  • "Set in a German provincial town during the 'economic miracle' of the '50s, the seductive Lola is the star attraction of the nightclub in which she works. But, ever ambitious, she spots an opportunity to improve her social position in the form of straight-laced new buildings commissioner von Bohm. Presenting her most demure persona, she manipulates von Bohm into a chaste courtship, but finds that outrunning her past is more difficult than she ever imagined."@en

  • "DVD-Video"
  • "Foreign films"
  • "Feature films"
  • "fiction dramatique (fiction)"
  • "Drammatico (Genere)"@it
  • "Drammatico (Genere)"
  • "Fiction films"
  • "Llargmetratges"
  • "Drama"
  • "Drama"@en
  • "History"
  • "History"@en
  • "Foreign language films"

  • "Lola (film) (1980)"
  • "Lola (Motion picture : 1981)"
  • "Lola (Film : Alemanya)"
  • "Lola"@es
  • "Lola"
  • "Lola"@it
  • "Lola"@en